Rhüden (family)

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Rhüden is the name of a family of theologians from Lower Saxony .

family members

  1. Conrad Rhüden (1488 / 89–1578), Vice Rector of the Johanneum in Lüneburg
    1. Hieronymus Rhüden (1542–1620), Superintendent at St. Johannis (Lüneburg)
      1. Georg Rhüden (1592–1670), first canon and vice dean of the Bardowick cathedral monastery, eligible for parliament
        1. Hieronymus Rhüden (1615 / 16–1662), canon of the Bardowick cathedral monastery, provisional of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit
          1. Barthold Rhüden (1669 – after 1722), canon of the Bardowick cathedral monastery, provisional of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit ∞ Johanne Ottilie (* 1690), daughter of Jacob Philipp Werenberg , pastor of Amelinghausen
            1. Clara Maria Rhüden (1710–1775) ∞ Johann Christian Jauch (1702–1778), first canon and vice dean of the Bardowick cathedral monastery, eligible for parliament
          2. Georg Rhüden († after 1719), Dr. med. and Practicus zu Lüneburg
        2. Barthold Rhüden (1630–1693), Dr. iur. and attorney in Hamburg
        3. Peter Rhüden († 1669), bailiff of the Winsen office


Individual evidence

  1. The deans were usually lawyers who functioned as Princely Braunschweig-Lüneburg Chancellor in Celle , so that the actual management of the monastery was with the senior citizens, who therefore had the title of Vice-Dean since time immemorial; see Christian Schlöpken: Chronicon or description of the city and the Bardewick monastery. Lübeck 1704, p. 429.