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Ribollita ( bollire ' to cook' , ri- ' again- ' , ie warmed up) is a rustic vegetable soup of the Tuscan cuisine .


The soup known as ribollita has long been a dish of the cucina povera , as poor people's cuisine is called in Italy. Originally it consisted of leftovers from the previous day's soup, which was placed in a bowl lined with bread slices and covered with onion rings and heated in the oven until the onions were golden brown. This has resulted in recipes for freshly made ribollita.

The name Ribollita for this soup can only be traced back to 1960. Pellegrino Artusi described it in his cookbook in 1891 as "Tuscan Peasant Soup".

Ingredients, preparation

Typical ingredients are Cavolo nero , a Tuscan variant of green cabbage or savoy cabbage and white beans , also to potatoes , carrots , celery , onions and tomatoes . These are steamed in olive oil , poured with water or broth and cooked to the end. Finally, the soup is gratinated in a dish lined with light farmer's bread and served drizzled with olive oil.


Individual evidence

  1. Steffen Maus (ed.): Italiens Weinwelten . Kornmayer Verlag, Dreieich 2013, ISBN 978-3-942051-18-7 , p. 190.
  2. John Dickie: Delizia! The Italians and their cuisine . Frankfurt / Main 2008, p. 347f.