Tuscan cuisine

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The Tuscan cuisine is a regional cuisine of Italy . It is very diverse due to the fact that Tuscany is both by the sea and has forests with game and pastures for keeping animals. Individual cities have their own special dishes or specialties. Sometimes Tuscan recipes are just variations of dishes and foods common throughout Italy.

A variant of aquacotta
A bistecca fiorentina

One of the peculiarities of Tuscan cuisine is that the bread ( Pane Sciocco ) is salt-free, which is attributed to a dispute between Florence and Pisa in the 12th century. One day, Pisa stopped delivering salt to the region.


In an Italian comparison , Tuscany is considered to be a region rich in food. Peter Peter characterizes the Tuscan cuisine as "estate kitchen". There are many bean dishes such as the topi affogati in Tuscany . Dishes with sweet chestnuts are also common , as chestnut trees are abundant in Tuscany, although their fruits used to be mainly food for the poor.

The Tuscan olive oil is considered to be of particularly high quality. There are around 14 million olive trees in Tuscany, which can be divided into 17 varieties. The four most common types are Frantoio with around 48%, Moraiolo, Leccino and Pendolino. DOP oils are Chianti Classico, Lucca, Terre di Siena, Toscano and Seggiano.

Pellegrino Artusi , originally from Emilia-Romagna , was living in Florence when he wrote the first national cookbook, which is why it contained many Tuscan recipes that gained national recognition.

Dishes (selection)


The most famous Tuscan wines include the Brunello di Montalcino , Carmignano , Chianti , Chianti Classico , Morellino di Scansano , Vernaccia di San Gimignano and the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano . All seven are DOCG wines . In addition, 41 DOC wines were grown in Tuscany in 2016 .

A typical dessert wine is the Vin Santo .

Specialties (selection)


  • Maria Luisa Stufa: Pranzi e Conviti: La Cucina Toscana dal XVI Secolo a giorni d'oggi , Firenze 1965. ISBN 978-8856300369
  • Paolo Petroni: Il grande libro della vera cucina toscana , Giunti Editore: 2008. ISBN 978-8809061538
  • Andrea Rauch: Leggere a tavola. Il tesoro della cucina tuscan nelle pagine della grande letteratura , Mandragora 1996. ISBN 978-8885957336
  • Giovanni Righi Parenti: La cucina toscana: i piatti tipici e le ricette tradizionali provenienti da tutte le province toscane, per riscoprire i sapori genuini di una delle piu gustose e fantasiose gastronomie d'Italia , Newton & Compton: 1995. ISBN 978-8881830572

Web links

Commons : Tuscan Cuisine  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Peter: Cucina & Cultura - cultural history of Italian cuisine . Second edition. Munich 2007, p. 160. ISBN 3406550630
  2. ^ NN, Viaggio in Toscana. Alla scoperta dei prodotti tipici , Guinti: 2001, p. 25. ISBN 9788809024526
  3. Toscana.it: Olio, castagne, salumi e molto altro: un viaggio tra i prodotti di qualità del territorio toscano. Retrieved July 18, 2018 .
  4. Peter Peter: Cucina & Cultura - cultural history of Italian cuisine . Second edition. Munich 2007, p. 142. ISBN 3406550630
  5. Toscana.it: Elenco DOC; DOCG; IGT aggiornato al 17 November 2016. Accessed July 18, 2018 .