Ricardo Anckermann

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Ricardo Anckermann Riera (born December 19, 1842 in Palma , † March 9, 1907 in Palma) was a Spanish painter of German descent.


Ricardo Anckermann was the grandson of a Prussian military from Leipzig who lived on Mallorca from 1796–1804 and married a Mallorcan woman a year after his arrival. He studied at the Academia Provincial de Bellas Artes in Palma , where he was a student of Juan O'Neille y Rosiñol . 1869–1871 Anckermann went on study trips to Paris and London, which aroused his interest in landscape painting. From 1872 he was a teacher at the Academia Provincial de Bellas Artes, to whose director he rose in 1893.

Anckermann was a Republican and a member of the City Council of Palma for the Partido Demócrata Posibilista . In 1877, his daughter Margalida was the first student to attend the Instituto Balear in Palma , the highest educational institution in the Balearic Islands.


Ricardo Anckermann is one of the most important Mallorcan painters of the second half of the 19th century. For several decades he was active as a painter of commissioned works. His work is therefore characterized by a wide range of styles and themes, which makes him a typical representative of eclecticism . For a long time Anckermann was primarily perceived as a history and decorative painter. Together with his teacher Juan O'Neille and Antonio Ribas y Oliver , he was also one of the most important local landscape painters. His interest in the suburb of Molinar de Levante , east of Palma, deserves particular attention and which he painted over and over again for decades. Around 1890, and thus clearly before Joaquín Sorolla's famous beach pictures , Molinar con gente also depicts the bathing life of the local proletarian classes.

Anckermann found his main motifs in the history, landscape and inhabitants of the Spanish Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Several of his works can be found on and in public buildings on the island. He created the frescoes of the ballroom of the Circulo Mallorquin , in the caryatid room of the parliament, on the facade of the Teatro Principal and in the dining room of the Hotel Son Vida . Numerous works are in the holdings of the painting collection of the Consell de Mallorca .


  • Cantarellas Camps, Catalina: La Pintura a les Balears en el Segle XIX. Edicions Documenta Balear, Palma de Mallorca 2005, ISBN 84-96376-22-2 .
  • Consell de Mallorca (ed.): Fons de Pintura del Consell de Mallorca (1650c.-1939). (= GRESOL. Colleccions Museogràfiques de Mallorca 6). Palma de Mallorca 2012, ISBN 978-84-92603-42-8 .
  • Schönherr, Ekkehard: Modern Mallorca. From the "island with industry" to the "tourist paradise". Logos-Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-8325-4989-3 , especially pp. 180-187.
  • Thorer, Axel: Mallorca - Lexicon of island secrets , Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-455-50006-6 , p. 13.

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Sepasgosarian: Mallorca under the swastika 1933-1945 , Matrix Media Verlag, Göttingen 2017, ISBN 978-3-946891-01-7 , p. 24.
  2. Bernat Bennasar Coll: Pintura de paisaje en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: Ricardo Anckermann (1842-1907). In: Mayurqa. No. 21, 1985-1987, pp. 303-327, here p. 308
  3. Consell de Mallorca, Fons de Pintura, p. 21.
  4. ^ Bernat Sureda Garcia: L'educació a les Balears en el Segle XIX. , Edicions Documenta Balear, Palma de Mallorca 1998, p. 63.
  5. Schönherr, Modernes Mallorca, pp. 185f.