Richard Honey

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Richard Martin Honig (born January 3, 1890 in Gnesen , Posen ; † February 25, 1981 in Göttingen ) was a German criminal lawyer .


Richard Honig had been a professor in Göttingen since 1925 and emigrated to Istanbul in 1933 , where he taught at the university. There he wrote Turkish introductions to jurisprudence and legal philosophy (both 1934 f.). In 1939 he emigrated to the USA. After his retirement in the USA in 1963, he came to Germany regularly for teaching and research. Honey is considered to be one of the pioneers of the doctrine of objective imputation in criminal law.

Other works

  • The consent of the injured party . 1919
  • Studies on the legal and natural unit of action . 1925
  • The impunity predicate offense and Nachtat . 1927
  • Causality and objective attribution . 1930
  • Roman law . 1936
  • Canon Law . 1954
  • American criminal retrial . 1969
  • Jury court . 1974.


  • Barbara Huber: Richard Martin Honig 1890–1981. Looking for the right law . In: Helmut Heinrichs, Harald Franzki, Klaus Schmalz, Michael Stolleis: German lawyers of Jewish origin . CH Beck, Munich 1993, pp. 747-752, ISBN 3-406-36960-X .
  • Walter Tetzlaff: 2000 short biographies of important German Jews of the 20th century. Askania, Lindhorst 1982, ISBN 3-921730-10-4 .
  • David C. Weiglin: Richard Martin Honig (1890–1981) - life and early work of a German jurist of Jewish origin - at the same time a contribution to the development of the modern doctrine of objective attribution . Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden 2011, ISBN 978-3-8329-6010-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Heinrich Jescheck: Richard Honig in memory. In: Journal for the entire field of criminal law. 93, 1981, pp. 827-830, doi : 10.1515 / zstw.1981.93.3.827 .