Richard Klett

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Richard Klett (born February 4, 1867 in Stuttgart , † December 2, 1948 in Tuttlingen ) was a German veterinarian.


Georg Richard Klett studied veterinary medicine at the Königliche Thierarznei-Schule Stuttgart . In 1887 he became a member of Nicaria, later the Corps Saxo-Thuringia Munich . He later joined the Corps Teutonia Berlin . In 1894 he was awarded a Dr. med. vet. PhD. In November 1894 he passed the veterinary state examination for the Kingdom of Württemberg. In 1897 he was appointed professor of forensic veterinary medicine and parasitology and director of the internal clinic at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Stuttgart. With the closure of the university in Stuttgart in 1912 he lost his professorship and from then on worked as senior veterinarian and veterinary councilor in the veterinary administration. From 1933 to 1948 he lived in Tuttlingen.

The "Handlexikon der Tierärztlichen Praxis", written by Gustav Uebele (1869–1914), was one of the standard works of veterinary training. It was edited and published by Klett alone for the 2nd and 3rd editions, and with other colleagues for the 4th and 5th editions, and reached seven editions. 


  • Contributions to the morphology of the anthrax bacillus , 1894
  • The Stuttgart dog disease . In: Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift , 1899, No. 5–8
  • For serum therapeutic control of pig disease and chicken cholera . In: Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift , 1900, No. 40
  • Overview of attempts to control avian cholera and swine disease (swine fever) . In: Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift , 1904, No. 51–53
  • Our domestic animals - a popular description of the breeding and care of domestic animals, their diseases and their manifold benefits for humans , 1904 (together with Ludwig Holthof)
  • The rectal examination method for the so-called true colic of the horse . In: Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift , 1907, No. 15-18
  • Handlexikon der Tierärztlichen Praxis , 1st edition 1909, 2nd edition 1918 (edited by Richard Klett), 3rd edition 1921 (edited by Richard Klett), 4th edition 1927 (2 volumes, edited by Richard Klett a. Rigobert Metzger), 5th edition 1938/39 (2 volumes edited by Richard Klett, Rigobert Metzger and Willy Schreyer)
  • The horse - its structure and the activity of its organs , 2nd unchanged reprint 1925, 5th edition 1956 (edited by Anton Koegel)


  • Angelika Frisch: The former veterinary school in Stuttgart (1821-1912) - Sources and materials for veterinary training in Württemberg , 2001 ( Digitalis ), p. 111, 218–221
  • Richard Klett's biogram in the Veterinary Library of the Free University of Berlin
  • City Archives Tuttlingen: Communication of life data on Richard Klett from July 27, 2017 (arrival 1933, death certificate No. 278/1948)

Web links

  • Biograms, Klett, Richard at (website of the Free University of Berlin, Department of Veterinary Medicine)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Corps Saxo-Thuringia Munich, directory of members (as of October 1, 1937)