Richard Michael (geologist)

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Richard Michael (born January 25, 1869 in Breslau , † October 30, 1928 in Berlin ) was a German paleontologist and geologist.

After graduating from high school in 1887, Michael studied natural sciences and geography in Breslau and then in Vienna, among others with Albrecht Penck . In 1897 he received his doctorate in paleontology with Fritz Römer (Cenoman and Turon in the area of ​​Cudowa in Silesia). After his military service he was an assistant in Breslau at the Mineralogical Institute. From 1895 he was at the Prussian Geological Institute(PGLA), where he became district geologist in 1901 and regional geologist of Silesia in 1905. In 1916 he became a secret mountain ridge. During the First World War he was an officer in the formerly occupied Russian part of Poland and then in the civil administration, among other things he headed the department of geology and cartography in the Generalgouvernement Warsaw. In 1916 he received the Officer's Cross of the Franz Josef Order. From 1918 he was back at the PGLA, where he was responsible for publications from 1921 and became deputy president in 1924. From 1909 to 1916 he also taught at the Bergakademie in Berlin and, after its incorporation into the TH Charlottenburg, also at the latter (as honorary professor from 1918).

As a regional geologist, he dealt with hydrology (water supply for cities and mines) and mapping of the coal field in Silesia. He made 17 geological maps on a scale of 1: 25,000 from Silesia.

As a paleontologist, he found a new genus of fossil fish of the Lepisosteidae family from the Keuper and described an ammonite find with offspring in the living room.

In 1907 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina . Richard Michael became a member of the Paleontological Society in the founding year 1912 .


  • On the geology of the area north of Tarnowitz. Yearbook of the Preuss. Geolog. Landesanstalt 22, 1904, pp. 781-786
  • The structure of the Upper Silesian coal formation. Yearbook of the Preuss. Geolog. Landesanstalt, 1904, pp. 317-40
  • The development of the hard coal formations in the West Galician Vistula region of the Upper Silesian hard coal district. Yearbook of the Preuss. Geolog. Landesanstalt 33, 1914, pp. 159–306
  • About rock salts and brine in Upper Silesia. Yearbook of the Preuss. Geolog. Landesanstalt, 1914, pp. 341–83
  • Temperature measurements in the deep borehole Czuchow II Upper Silesia. Centralbl. f. Mineral. 1912, H. 2, pp. 43-48
  • The geological conditions of the Upper Silesian industrial district. In: Handbook of the Upper Silesian Industrial District. 1913
  • Geology of the Upper Silesian Coal Mountains. In: Mining in the east of the Kingdom of Prussia. 1913
  • The geological structure of Congress Poland. In: Handbook of Poland (Congress Poland). 1917, pp. 29-76

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References and comments

  1. About a new Lepidosteidengenus from the Keuper Oberschlesiens, Z. Deutsche Geolog. Ges., 45, 1893, pp. 710-729
  2. About ammonite brood with aptych in the living room of Oppelia Steraspis, Z. Deutsche Geolog. Ges. 46, 1894, pp. 697-702
  3. ^ Palaeontological Journal 1, Issue 1, March 1914