Richard Zutt

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Trade Museum Basel
Memorial plaque at the Basel industrial museum

Richard Zutt (born August 3, 1849 in Schiltigheim ; † June 13, 1917 Riehen ) was a Swiss lawyer and politician .


Richard Zutt, son of a notary, completed a law degree at the University of Basel , which he completed with a doctorate in law. iur graduated. 1873–1881 he worked as an actuary at the criminal court, 1875–1881 as examining magistrate and 1881–1887 as public prosecutor for the canton of Basel-Stadt . From 1881–1885 he was a free-minded councilor and from 1887–1911 a councilor. As President of the Board of Trustees of the University of Basel, he enforced the restricted admission of women to study.

As head of the education department, Zutt, together with the head of the building department Rudolf Falkner (1827–1898), the president of the trade school commission Eduard Hagenbach and the president of the trade museum commission, the banker and politician Louis La Roche (1852–1920), contributed significantly participated in the realization of the Basel industrial museum, which was inaugurated in 1892 .

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