Giant turaco

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Giant turaco
Corythaeola cristata -Jurong Bird Park, Singapore-8a.jpg

Giant turaco ( Corythaeola cristata )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Turacos (Musophagiformes)
Family : Turacos (Musophagidae)
Genre : Corythaeola
Type : Giant turaco
Scientific name
Corythaeola cristata
( Vieillot , 1816)

The giant turaco ( Corythaeola cristata ) is the largest species of turaco .


The 75 cm long giant turaco has a long tail and short, rounded wings. The wide, upright hood is always up. The plumage is blue on top and red and yellow on the underside.


The giant turaco inhabits forest edges of the lowlands, gallery forests near rivers , mountain forests and forest islands in the savannah in West and Central Africa.


The flying skills of this bird are limited to sliding and circling downwards. Jump from branch to branch to get back up. It feeds mainly on fruits, but also on invertebrates . The giant turaco is a shy bird, but it gathers in troops that sometimes call in chorus for minutes. The chorus begins with plaintive calls, followed by short kok-kok tones, and ends with deeper, vibrating calls.


The nest, a thin platform made of dry twigs, is built high in the trees. The female incubates two eggs alone for around 18 days. During this time it is supplied with food by the male. Both parent birds feed the chicks with strangled food. The young birds have small claws on their wings that are used when climbing in the branches. The young birds fledge at 24 to 26 days.


Web links

Commons : Giant turaco ( Corythaeola cristata )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files