Knight Runkel

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Knight Runkel is one of the main characters invented by Hannes Hegen , alongside the Digedags in the comic series of the same name in the magazine Mosaik (issues 90 to 151).

Knight Runkel in the mosaic

In the series, the Digedags are miners of the knight Heino Runkel von Rübenstein in the 13th century and go with him on an adventure trip to southern Europe , Asia Minor and Arabia .

The belated crusader Runkel is characterized by humor, clumsiness, a golden heart and his indestructible, rhymed knight rules . At his side is always his loyal steed, Turkenschreck, who already belonged to his father and has been around for 35 years. With luck and the support of Digedags Runkel survives all dangers associated with the golden splendor armor of Alexander the Great its valuable treasure and may eventually have long adored that from him damsels Adelaide carrot field as the wife bring home. As the crowning glory, Runkel is appointed count by his liege, Duke Eberhard the Obese.

Ritter-Runkel novels

The author of the Digedags comics Lothar Dräger wrote four novels from 2002 on about the life of Ritter Runkel and his descendants.


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