Wadewitz Manor

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Mansion of the Wadewitz Manor (2014)

The manor Wadewitz is located in Wadewitz , a settlement belonging to the village of Könderitz in the municipality of Elsteraue in the Burgenland district of Saxony-Anhalt , which was incorporated into the municipality of Traupitz before 1950 . The manor house of the manor is therefore now also known as Gutshof Traupitz . The building is a listed building .


Already in the late Middle Ages there was a knight seat in Wadewitz that belonged to several noble families. The manor was owned by the von Döben family until 1687. Then Rudolph von Bünau bought it. In the 18th century, several aristocratic families in possession of the manor Wadewitz replaced: von Thüna (1719–1733), von Kopping (1733–1735), von Unwerth (1735–1751) and von Kayn (1751–1773). With a representative of the Trommer family, the manor came into bourgeois hands for the first time in 1773, in which it remained until it was expropriated by the land reform in 1945. In 1837 the Schneider family took over the estate, which it owned until the 20th century.

The manor was official and was subordinate to the Zeitz office . Originally this office belonged to the diocese of Naumburg , from which the bishopric Naumburg-Zeitz emerged. In 1657 Wadewitz came to the secondary school principality of Saxony-Zeitz , to which it belonged until its dissolution in 1718. Then it fell back to the Electorate of Saxony , which was converted into a kingdom in 1806. Through the resolutions of the Congress of Vienna , Wadewitz came to the newly formed Duchy of Saxony in the Kingdom of Prussia and was integrated into the administrative district of Merseburg . The Zeitz district was responsible for the local administration , while the Wadewitz Patrimonial Court, originally located on the manor, was responsible for all acts of voluntary jurisdiction until 1849 . The respective owner of the manor was also the competent court lord. It was not until the 1920s that the manor district of the Wadewitz manor was dissolved and merged with the local community.

The manor Wadewitz, to which the Vorwerk Tannewitz also belonged for a time, was parish in Langendorf.


The manor house of the manor was rebuilt after the Thirty Years War with a mansard hipped roof and corner rustication. Lieutenant Rudolph von Bünau had bought the manor, mostly from his wife's money, for 3,000 guilders. By 1691 he had a new house built in Baroque style for himself and his family on the manor. There he lived until his death in 1702 as a princely Saxon march commissioner and lieutenant captain. His widow took over the manor together with his minor children until the only son Rudolph von Bünau (* 1688) was of legal age. Oppressive debts were the reason that Rudolph von Bünau could not hold the manor Wadewitz and had to pledge the manor in 1717 and finally sell it in 1719. The new owner was Ernst Ludwig von Thüna, who was a Saxon-Gotha captain.

The manor house and farm buildings were empty in the past few years.


  • History of the Naumburg and Zeitz Monastery , 1800, p. 334.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Short question and answer Olaf Meister (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), Ministry of Culture March 19, 2015 Printed matter 6/3905 (KA 6/8670) List of monuments Saxony-Anhalt
  2. ^ Wadewitz in the Wildenfels Castle Archives

Coordinates: 51 ° 5 ′ 31.8 ″  N , 12 ° 13 ′ 24.5 ″  E