Robert A. Hall

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Robert A. Hall (born April 4, 1911 in Raleigh, North Carolina , † December 2, 1997 in Ithaca, New York ) was an American linguist, Romanist and Italianist.

life and work

Robert Anderson Hall, Jr. came to New York with his family in 1919. He studied at Princeton , Rome and Chicago Universities . From 1937 to 1939 he taught at the University of Puerto Rico , then at Princeton University and Brown University . In 1946 he went to Cornell University , where he was first associate professor, then from 1950 until his retirement in 1976 full professor of linguistics and Italian.

Hall was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1954 and 1970 .

Hall was married to the Romance writer Alice M. Colby Hall for the second time .


Italian Studies

  • Bibliography of Italian linguistics , Baltimore 194; Bibliografia della linguistica italiana , Florence 1958, Primo supplemento decennale 1956-1966 , Florence 1969; Secondo supplemento decennale 1966-1976 , Florence 1980; Terzo supplemento decennale 1976-1986 , Pisa 1988
  • The Italian questione della lingua. An interpretative essay , Chapel Hill 1942
  • Descriptive Italian grammar , Ithaca 1948, Westport 1974
  • A short history of Italian literature , Ithaca 1951
  • The Italian vest pocket dictionary Italian-English, English-Italian , New York 1957; The Random House basic dictionary Italian-English, English-Italian , 1981, 1983, 1996, 1998
  • Italian for Modern Living , New York 1961, Ithaca 1974
  • Applied linguistics Italian. A guide for teachers , Boston 1961 (preface by Simon Belasco )
  • (Eds.) Italian stories , New York 1961; Italian stories = Novelle italiane , New York 1989
  • (with Cecilia M. Bàrtoli) Basic conversational Italian , New York 1963, 1979
  • La struttura dell'italiano , Rome 1971 (preface by Luigi Heilmann )
  • Bibliografia essenziale della linguistica italiana e romanza , Florence 1973
  • Antonio Fogazzaro , Boston 1978
  • (with Frances Adkins Hall and Susan Z. Garau) 2001 Italian and English idioms = 2001 locuzioni italiane e inglesi , Woodbury, NY 1981, 1991, 1996

Other languages

  • An Analytical Grammar of the Hungarian Language , Baltimore 1938
  • (with François Denoeu) Spoken French , 2 vols., Boston 1943, Ithaca 1973
  • Melanesian Pidgin English. Grammar. Texts. Vocabulary , Baltimore 1943, New York 1980
  • Hungarian grammar , Baltimore 1944, New York 1966
  • Haitian Creole. Grammar. Texts. Vocabulary , Philadelphia 1953
  • Idealism in Romance Linguistics , Ithaca 1963
  • Pidgin and Creole Languages , Ithaca 1966
  • External History of the Romance Languages , New York / London / Amsterdam 1974
  • Proto-Romance Phonology , New York / London / Amsterdam 1976
  • The Kensington Rune-Stone is Genuine. Linguistic, practical, methodological considerations , Coumbia, SC 1982, 1994

Linguistics in general

  • Leave Your Language Alone !, Ithaca 1950; Linguistics and your language , Garden City 1960
  • Hands Off Pidgin English !, Sydney 1955
  • Cultural symbolism in literature , Ithaca 1963
  • Introductory Linguistics , Philadelphia 1964
  • New ways to learn a foreign language , New York 1966
  • An Essay on Language , Philadelphia 1968
  • The Comic Style of PG Wodehouse , Hamden, Conn. 1974
  • Stormy Petrel in Linguistics. Essays , Ithaca 1975
  • American linguistics, 1925-1969. Three essays , Darmstadt 1976
  • Language, Literature, and Life , Lake Bluff, Ill. 1978
  • Stormy petrel flies again , Watkins Glenn, NY 1980
  • Papers on Wodehouse , Ithaca 1985
  • (Ed.) Leonard Bloomfield. Essays on his life and work , Amsterdam / Philadelphia 1987
  • Linguistics and pseudo-linguistics. Selected essays 1965-1985 , Amsterdam 1987
  • A Life for Language. A Biographical Memoir of Leonard Bloomfield , Amsterdam 1990


  • Homenaje a Robert A. Hall, Jr. Ensayos lingüísticos y filológicos para su sexagésimo aniversario , ed. by David Feldman, Madrid 1977
  • Frank Nuessel, [Obituary] in: Italica 75, 1998, pp. 284-286

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