Robert Benayoun

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Robert Benayoun (born December 12, 1926 in Port-Lyautey , Morocco , † October 20, 1996 in Paris ) was a French writer, film critic and actor.

Live and act

Benayoun was the son of a colonial administration official.

Between the world wars, Benayoun came to Paris and soon made the acquaintance of surrealism . In 1951 he founded the magazine L'Âge du cinéma together with the film director Ado Kyrou (1923–1985) . From this time on, Benayoun also regularly wrote film reviews for various magazines and newspapers.

In 1960 he joined a group of surrealists in the Désert de Retz ( Chambourcy ) and in September of the same year was one of the signatories of the 121st manifesto .

Robert Benayoun died in Paris on October 20, 1996 and found his final resting place on the Cimetière de Montmartre .

Works (selection)

  • Erotique du surréalisme . Pauvert, Paris 1965.
  • Le rire de surréalistes . La Bougie du Sapeur, Paris 1988.
  • Petites pièces pouvant servir à approcher . Paris 2001 (posthumous)

Filmography (selection)

As a director
As an actor


  • Mort du critique et cinéaste Robert Benayoun (obituary). In: Liberation of October 22, 1996.
  • Gérard Legrand: Robert Benayoun . In: Adam Biro (Ed.): Dictionnaire général du surréalisme et de ses environs . PUF, Paris 1982, ISBN 2-13-037-280-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Named after Hubert Lyautey (1854–1934).