Robert Daroff

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Robert Barry Daroff (born August 3, 1936 in New York City ) is an American neurologist and neuro- ophthalmologist .

Daroff studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in 1957 and an MD degree in 1961. From 1968 he was assistant professor and later professor of neurology and ophthalmology at the University of Florida and chief physician of the neurological clinic of the Veteran Administration Hospital in Miami. From 1980 he headed neurology at the University Medical Center in Cleveland and became professor of neurology at Case Western Reserve University .

He dealt primarily with the human eye movement and its malfunctions and the neurological causes for them.

In 1993 he received the Ernst Jung Gold Medal in Medicine . From 1987 to 1996 he was editor of the journal Neurology. From 1990 to 1991 he was president of the American Neurological Association.


  • with Matthew J. Thurtell, Robert L. Tomsak Neuro-Ophtalmology , Oxford University Press 2011
  • with Walter G. Bradley, Gerald Fenichel, Joseph Jankovic, John Mazziotta Bradley´s Neurology in Clinical Practice , Saunders, 6th edition 2012 (5th edition Butterworth Heinemann 2007)
  • Editor with Michael J. Aminoff Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences , 4 volumes, Academic Press 2003

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004