Robert Deschaux

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Robert Deschaux (born February 27, 1924 in Charavines , Département Isère , † June 15, 2013 in Grenoble ) was a French Romanist and Medievalist .

life and work

Deschaux studied in Grenoble and Paris and passed the Agrégation in 1951 . After working as a high school teacher in Saint-Marcellin , Chambéry and Grenoble, he moved to the University of Grenoble in 1964 , and completed his habilitation in 1973 with Daniel Poirion with the thesis Michault Taillevent. Un poète bourguignon du XVe siècle. Edition et étude (Geneva 1975) and became professor of French literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Grenoble (retired in 1990).

Deschaux was the founding editor of Perspectives médiévales from 1975 to 1990 . Revue d'épistémologie médiévale .


  • (Ed.) Les oeuvres de Pierre Chastellain et de Vaillant. Poètes du XVe siècle , Geneva 1982
  • (Ed. With Bernard Charrier) Éloy d'Amerval, Le livre de la deablerie , Geneva 1991
  • (Ed.) Martin Le Franc , Le champion des dames , 4 vols., Paris 1999


  • Poésie, le corps et l'âme. Du Moyen âge au XIXe siècle. Hommage à Robert Deschaux , Grenoble 1989 (Festschrift)

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