Robert Peter Domm

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Robert Peter Domm with the Ordem de Timor-Leste (2014)

Robert Peter Domm is a New Zealand East Timor activist.


Domm first visited East Timor in the early 1970s. After the Indian invasion in 1975, Domm campaigned for the rights of the East Timorese. In 1989 he was one of the first foreigners to visit East Timor as a tourist after 14 years of Indonesian isolation. In September 1990 Domm met the leader of the military resistance Xanana Gusmão in the mountains of East Timor and interviewed him for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Domm regularly wrote articles and lectured against the Indonesian occupation and the resistance of the East Timorese. In 1992 he wrote the book "Timor Leste: A Western Tragedy" with the Australian journalist Mark Aarons . Later, Domm, together with some East Timorese and Australians, founded the East Timor Relief Association ETRA to collect humanitarian aid for the people of East Timor.


In 2014, Domm received the Medal des Ordem de Timor-Leste from East Timor's President Taur Matan Ruak .

Individual evidence

  1. Tempo Semanal Sabadu: Estado TL condecorados Membros da Solidaridade no dia 30 de Agosto de 2014 , August 30, 2014 , accessed on August 30, 2014 on TIMOR CONDECORA .
  2. Jornal da República: Decreto do Presidente da República n ° 25/2014 , August 27, 2014 , accessed on November 13, 2019.