Roberta Lombardi

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Roberta Lombardi

Roberta Lombardi (born August 15, 1973 in Orbetello ) is an Italian lawyer and politician of the five-star movement .


Lombardi studied law at La Sapienza University and graduated in commercial law .

She has been an elected member of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome since 2013 . From March 2013 to June 2013 she was chairman of the faction of the Five Star Movement. Before she was elected to parliament, she wrote a blog post in January 2013 about the advantages of fascism ; before the parliamentary elections in 2018, she campaigned for “more tourists, fewer refugees”.

Lombardi lives in Rome. She is the mother of two children.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberta Lombardi - M5S ,, accessed on March 2, 2018 (Italian).
  2. Birgit Schönau: "A horde of crazy people" . In: The time . March 7, 2013 (restricted access).
  3. Lizzie Davis: One of Beppe Grillo's MPs castigated for praise of fascism. In: The Guardian. March 5, 2013, accessed March 2, 2018 .
  4. Roberta, la mamma a 5 stelle che arreda case per emiri e miliardari. In: Corriere della Sera. March 4, 2013, accessed March 2, 2018 (Italian).
  5. Roman Arens: You reach for the stars. In: Salzburger Nachrichten. February 26, 2018, accessed March 2, 2018 .