Roberto Formigoni

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Roberto Formigoni (2012)

Roberto Formigoni ( listen ? / I ; born March 31, 1947 in Lecco ) is an Italian politician . He was President of the Lombardy Region from 1995 to 2013 . He was a senator from 2013 to 2018 . He initially belonged to the Christian Democrats , from 1998 to Berlusconi's Forza Italia (2008 to 2013 Popolo della Libertà ). Then he joined Nuovo Centrodestra . He has been serving a prison sentence since February 2019, following a conviction for corruption. Audio file / audio sample


Formigoni in 1994

Formigoni studied philosophy and economics in Milan and Paris . Politically active since 1973, he was elected to the European Parliament in 1984 as a member of the Democrazia Cristiana (DC) , and became its vice-president after his re-election in 1989. He entered the Italian parliament for the first time in 1987. From 1993 to 1994 he held the post of State Secretary in the Ministry of the Environment.

After the dissolution of the DC, Formigoni joined the Partito Popolare Italiano (PPI) in 1994 . When they ran in the regional elections in April 1995 in a center-left alliance with the post-communist PDS , Formigoni switched to the center-right camp ( Polo per le Libertà ) supported by Silvio Berlusconi and was for this - for the first time in regional elections by direct election of the President - elected President of the Lombard regional government with 41.1% . On July 23, 1995 he joined the split off from the PPI Cristiani Democratici Uniti (CDU) under Rocco Buttiglione , but left the party in 1998 and became a member of the Forza Italia Berlusconis. In his first term of office, he took particular care of the region's health care system and opened it up to private health care providers.

In 2000, voters confirmed him with 62.5 percent of the vote. In his second term of office the focus was on a. on environmental policy, transport, the reform of the regional administration and the branch of the Milan Fair. In April 2005 Roberto Formigoni was re-elected for a third term with 53.4% ​​of the vote. Formigoni's “right-hand man” Marco Giulio Mazarino De Petro, who had done business for him with Iraq under Saddam Hussein , was convicted in 2006 of paying bribes under the oil-for-food program . In the course of this process, Formigoni slandered a public prosecutor, for which he was sentenced years later to pay compensation of 40,000 euros.

Formigoni played a key role in the construction of the Palazzo Lombardia , built in 2007-10 , at 161 meters one of the tallest skyscrapers in Italy, in which the regional government of Lombardy has also been seated since then. From 2009 he was a member of the center-right party Il Popolo della Libertà (PdL), in which Forza Italia was absorbed. Within Forza Italia or PdL Formigoni was the spokesman for the Christian Democratic wing Rete Italia with close ties to the Catholic lay movement Comunione e Liberazione . In March 2010 he was confirmed for a fourth term with 56.1% of the vote.

Against the background of various scandals and coalition quarrels, Formigoni ended his tenure as President of the Lombardy Region prematurely and ran for the 2013 parliamentary elections in Italy , in which he moved into the Senate thanks to a secure place on the list. He was there on the Agriculture Committee. In September 2013, he turned against Berlusconi's attempt to fail the Letta cabinet with a vote of no confidence. When the PdL split in November 2013, he joined the Nuovo Centrodestra party under the leadership of the Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Angelino Alfano , which was still part of the governing coalition. At the end of 2017 he changed sides again and joined Noi con l'Italia (led by Raffaele Fitto and Maurizio Lupi ). After the parliamentary elections in 2018 , he left the Senate.

On December 22, 2016, Formigoni was sentenced to six years imprisonment for corruption in the so-called San Raffaele Maugeri trial, after having received a nine-year sentence on April 15, 2016. On appeal, the sentence was increased to seven and a half years - the maximum sentence for this offense. The court was convinced that Formigoni had accepted money, a yacht, exclusive travel and food in starred restaurants from the operators of the private hospitals San Raffaele in Milan and Maugeri in Pavia . In return, these received public funds of over 100 million euros each from the regional government. On February 21, 2019, the Italian Court of Cassation , the highest court in Italy, sentenced Formigoni to five years and ten months' imprisonment for this offense. That is why he has been imprisoned in Bollate prison near Milan since February 22, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Roberto Formigoni  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikiquote: Roberto Formigoni  - Quotes (Italian)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Formigoni convicted in Maugeri case, goes to jail - English. February 22, 2019, accessed on February 22, 2019 .
  2. ^ Oil for food, "Formigoni diffamò pm Robledo, versi 40mila euro". In: , January 20, 2014.
  3. ^ Marianna Venturini: Rete Italia, il network di Comunione e liberazione si sfalda. In: Lettera43 , 23 August 2013
  4. ^ Giuseppe Guastella: Formigoni, aumentata in appello la pena per il caso Maugeri: da 6 anni a 7 anni e mezzo. In: Corriere della Sera (online), September 19, 2018.
  5. ^ Cassazione, 5 anni e 10 mesi a Formigoni. February 21, 2019, accessed February 22, 2019 (Italian).
  6. Formigoni è entrato in carcere a Bollate - Ultima Ora. February 22, 2019, accessed February 22, 2019 (Italian).