Rye grain snail

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Rye grain snail
Rye Grain Snail (Abida secale)

Rye Grain Snail ( Abida secale )

Order : Lung snails (pulmonata)
Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Superfamily : Pupilloidea
Family : Corn snails (Chondrinidae)
Genre : Abida
Type : Rye grain snail
Scientific name
Abida secale
( Draparnaud , 1801)

The rye grain snail ( Abida secale ) is a terrestrial snail species from the family of grain snails (Chondrinidae).


The case is cylindrical with 8.5 to 10 (rarely 11 and more) slightly curved turns. It is 6 to 8.5 mm (max. 11 mm) high and measures 2.3 to 2.8 mm in thickness. The housing is bulbous, i. H. the greatest thickness is reached about half the height of the case, after about 6 to 7 turns. However, the exact shape is very variable, including the height-to-thickness ratio. This resulted in the elimination of numerous local races and forms. The skin is brown to reddish brown and translucent when fresh. The surface is regularly finely ribbed. This striation is often less clearly developed on the last two rounds. In young animals, the housing is often covered with dirt and rock dust.

The mouth is slightly elliptical, slightly higher than it is wide. The edge, thickened by a lip, is turned over, but interrupted in the parietal region. Up to nine "teeth" and a parietal callus protrude into the mouth; the angular tooth is stronger than the parietal tooth. The three strong palatal folds (teeth) are long and can also be seen from the outside as stripes. In the suprapalatal region there is a small tooth deep in the mouth, a lamellar angular tooth reaching deep into the mouth. Between the angular tooth and the edge of the mouth there is a smaller, short tooth subangularly, another smaller tooth in the parietal area, as well as a strong columellar tooth that is considerably larger than the infracolumellar tooth. A narrow, small tooth can also be present at the base. The mouth is colored brown inside. The navel is open; there is no neck bulge.

Geographical occurrence and habitat

The distribution area of ​​the rye grain snail extends from England (north to Cumbria) and Spain (Catalonia and Pyrenees) in the west via France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Germany, the species occurs only in the south (Alpine foothills) and southwest (Upper Rhine area, Neckarbergland) and north up to a line Weserbergland, Teutoburg Forest / Eggegebirge, in the east to Thuringia.

The rye grain snail lives on sunlit rocks and boulders in the forest, but also on open areas such as dry grass. In France, occurrences in dry, sunny and stone-free meadows are also known. It can only be found in areas with calcareous subsoil. It overwinters in locations with rocks and boulders under dead plant parts. In Switzerland the species can occur up to 2700 m above sea level.

Way of life

The rye grain snail not only crawls around on the stones, but also on plant stems and even trees. It grazes on algae and lichens that are rasped off with the help of the radula.


The species seems to be evolving rapidly. The following subspecies are currently distinguished:

  • Abida secale affinis (Rossmassler, 1839)
  • Abida secale andorrensis (Bourguignat, 1863)
  • Abida secale bofilli (Fagot, 1884)
  • Abida secale boileausiana (Kuster, 1845)
  • Abida secale brauniopsis Altimira, 1963
  • Abida secale brongersmai E. Gittenberger, 1973
  • Abida secale cadica (Westerlund, 1902)
  • Abida secale cadiensis E. Gittenberger, 1973
  • Abida secale ionicae Kokshoorn & E. Gittenberger, 2010
  • Abida secale lilietensis (Bofill, 1886)
  • Abida secale margaridae Bech, 1993
  • Abida secale meridionalis Martínez-Ortí, Gómez & Faci, 2004
  • Abida secale merijni Kokshoorn & E. Gittenberger, 2010
  • Abida secale petersi Kokshoorn & E. Gittenberger, 2010
  • Abida secale saxicola (Moquin-Tandon, 1843)
  • Abida secale secale (Draparnaud, 1801)
  • Abida secale tuxensis (Westerlund, 1902)
  • Abida secale vilellai Kokshoorn & E. Gittenberger, 2010


The rye grain snail is endangered, especially in England, by the destruction of habitats, for example by intensive forest management. However, it is still not at risk in Germany and Austria. According to the assessment of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the species is generally not endangered.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bas Kokshoorn. Edmund Gittenberger: Phylogeography of the land snail Abida secale (Draparnaud, 1801) (Chondrinidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 78: 128-133, 2012 doi : 10.1093 / mollus / eyr043
  2. Alberto Martínez-Ortí, Benjamín Gómez and Guillermo Faci: Descripción de un nuevo molusco de la familia Chondrinidae (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora): Abida secale meridionalis subspec. nov. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Sec. Biol.), 99 (1-4), 63-69, 2004 ISSN  0366-3272
  3. [1]
  4. Pall-Gergely, B. 2011. Abida secale . In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Retrieved September 22, 2013.


  • Klaus Bogon: Land snails biology, ecology, biotope protection. 404 p., Natur Verlag, Augsburg 1990 ISBN 3-89440-002-1
  • Rosina Fechter and Gerhard Falkner: molluscs. 287 pp., Mosaik-Verlag, Munich 1990 (Steinbach's Nature Guide 10) ISBN 3-570-03414-3
  • Michael P. Kerney, RAD Cameron & Jürgen H. Jungbluth: The land snails of Northern and Central Europe. 384 pp., Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin 1983 ISBN 3-490-17918-8
  • Bas Kokshoorn and Edmund Gittenberger: Abida secale (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) discrepancies between Morphology and Molecules. PDF


Web links

Commons : Abida secale  - collection of images, videos and audio files