Roland Junck

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Roland Junck 2008

Roland Junck (born November 10, 1955 in Esch an der Alzette ) is a Luxembourg engineer and manager . He was the first CEO of ArcelorMittal , the world's largest steel producer , which was formed from the Mittal Steel Company and Arcelor between 2006 and 2007 .

Professional background

Junck studied at the ETH Zurich and has an MBA from Sacred Heart University . He began his career in the steel industry in 1980 at Arbed in Dudelange , and in 1985 he moved to Schifflingen . In 1993 he became General Manager of Trefil Arbed in Bissen and in 1996 General Manager. In 1998 he became Senior Vice President of Aceralia . After the merger with Arbed and Usinor to form Arcelor in 2002 , he became Senior Executive Vice President in the new company and was responsible for the long steel production division. After Arcelor merged with the Mittal Steel Company to form ArcelorMittal , he was the first chairman of the transnational steel group from August 4, 2006 to November 6, 2006. He was succeeded by Lakshmi Mittal .

From January 2009 to November 2014 he was a managing member of the supervisory board of Nyrstar NV.

Roland Junck has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of British Steel since June 2016 .


Roland Junck is married and has two children. He lives in Zurich. He is interested in horse-drawn carriages and classic vehicles. Junck is also an avid photographer. In 2002 an exhibition in the palace gardens of Esch showed Junck's photographs from the steel sector. It ran under the motto "The Aesthetics of Steel".

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roland Junck: Executive Profile & Biography - Businessweek. In: Retrieved July 19, 2015 .
  2. ↑ The dead live longer. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . March 12, 2017, accessed January 16, 2019 .
  3. New home port in Zurich. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . October 25, 2010, accessed January 16, 2019 .