Rolandas Kiškis

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Rolandas Kiškis (born May 3, 1976 ) is a Lithuanian lawyer, criminal investigator and police superintendent , head of the Lithuanian criminal police office since May 2014 .


After graduating from high school, he completed his master's degree in law at Lietuvos teisės akademija in 2000 . From 1995 he worked as a policeman in the district of Ukmergė , from 1998 to 2000 as an inspector in the criminal police of the district of Vilnius , from 2000 as chief inspector, from 2003 deputy head of the police in Ukmergė . In 2006 he became a police commissioner . From 2009, Kiškis headed the Ukmergė Police Department. In 2010 he was appointed Chief Police Commissioner. Since May 2014 he has been head of the Lithuanian criminal police .

He is married. He has a daughter with Mrs. Neringa, a police officer.


  1. Išrinktas naujas Lietuvos kriminalinės policijos biuro vadovas (curriculum vitae)
  2. A. Matonį pakeitusiam komisarui Ukmergėje jau buvo per ankšta ( memento of the original of May 8, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /