Rolf Becher

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Rolf Becher (born September 21, 1906 ; † February 19, 2002 ) was a German rider and horse trainer who developed the so-called Chiron jumping from the jumping style of the cavalry master Federico Caprilli and thus made Caprilli's method teachable and comprehensible. From 1927 until the outbreak of the Second World War he was equally successful in dressage, jumping and eventing tests.

After 1948 he worked with the important hippologist Gustav Rau to rebuild sport equestrianism in Germany. In the mid-1950s, Becher's life broke away from sport equestrianism, whose increasingly elitist orientation and degradation of the horse to sports equipment he did not want to support.

After Becher's retirement from German equestrianism, it became quiet around him at first. From the 1970s he published titles such as "Success with lunge, auxiliary reins and bit", "Natural riding", "Obstacles - Parcours - Terrain route" in Hoffmann Verlag. The inclusion of his Chiron method in Ursula Bruns' training concept at the FS Reit-Zentrum Reken brought Rolf Becher unexpected popularity as well as an interesting and active retirement from the mid-1980s.

Individual evidence

  1. Bärbel Vollberg: Search for traces - The great ones of the horse world. In: Equus - Magazine for Baroque Horses & Traditions 3/2011, p. 40.