Rolf Grossmann

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Rolf Großmann (born July 26, 1955 in Bad Harzburg ) is a German music and media scientist . He is Professor for "Auditory Design and Digital Media" at the Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM) at Leuphana University Lüneburg . There he founded the focus area ((audio)) aesthetic strategies in 1997 .


Großmann studied musicology and music education, German, philosophy and physics at the universities of Bonn, Siegen and Gießen. In 1981 he passed the first state examination for teaching at grammar schools (subjects German and music) at the University of Siegen. During the following years he worked as a jazz musician, studio musician and music school teacher. After a further study phase, he received his doctorate in musicology in 1990 with a thesis on "Music as Communication" at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. He passed academic exams a. a. with Siegfried J. Schmidt and Odo Marquard .

From 1990 he initially worked as a conference assistant (International Conference on Computers and the Humanities "The New Medium", 1990), from 1991 as a member of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 240 Aesthetics, Pragmatics and History of Screen Media. In 1997 he moved to the University of Lüneburg as a research assistant, where he built up the focus area ((audio)) Aesthetic Strategies (first: Competence Center Aesthetic Strategies in Multimedia and Digital Networks (Focus on Audio) ), which he has been heading ever since. In 2008 the Leuphana University of Lüneburg awarded him the title of adjunct professor and commissioned him to perform the duties of a university professor in the field of "Music and Auditory Culture". In 2010, together with his colleague Martin Warnke from Lüneburg, he conceived and founded the "Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media" (ICAM), which he was Managing Director from 2013 to 2018.


Großmann published numerous articles on the media culture and aesthetics of music. His essays on sampling , musical interfaces and hybrid systems (see below), which he wrote in the 1990s, are among the first musicological works on digital music culture in German-speaking countries. In his writings he develops a precise view of the interaction between media, technology and musical action. The concept of "media music" coined by him expresses his concept of an inseparable unity of media and musical design. One result of this perspective is the design of a musicology that has been expanded towards auditory culture and sound studies.

From 1993 to 2013 he was a member of the HyperKult program committee , one of the most traditional German conferences on digital culture. He is a member of the editorial board of EPOS Verlag Osnabrück and, together with Hartmut Kinzler, is responsible for the series "Media Aesthetics of Music" at the publisher epOs-Music .

Publications (selection)

  • Rolf Großmann, Maria Hanáček: Sound as Musical Material . In: Jens Papenburg, Holger Schulze (Eds.): Sound as Popular Culture. A Research Companion . Cambridge, MA: MIT press 2016, pp. 53-64.
  • Rolf Großmann: 303, MPC, A / D: Pop music and the aesthetics of digital design . In: Marcus S. Kleiner, Thomas Wilke (Ed.): Performativity and Mediality of Popular Cultures. Theories, aesthetics, practices . Wiesbaden: Springer 2013, pp. 299–319.
  • Rolf Großmann, Christian Bielefeldt, Udo Dahmen (eds.): PopMusicology. Perspectives in Pop Music Studies . Bielefeld: transcript 2008
  • Rolf Großmann: 'Hybrid Systems' in Music Production - Technical Beginnings and Aesthetic Consequences . In: Christian W. Thomsen, Irmela Schneider (Ed.): Hybrid culture . Cologne: DuMont 1997, pp. 282-298.
  • Rolf Großmann: "Six theses on musical interfaces". In: Klaus Peter Dencker (Ed.): Interface 2 . Hamburg 1995, pp. 155-162.
  • Rolf Großmann: Xtended Sampling . In: Hans-Ulrich Reck, Mathias Fuchs (Ed.): Sampling. Working reports of the chair for communication theory booklet 4 , Hochschule f. applied art, Vienna 1995, pp. 38–43.
  • Rolf Großmann: Music as 'communication'. On the theory of musical communication . Braunschweig: Vieweg 1991.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Großmann: Constructive (istic) thoughts on 'media music' . In: Thomas Hemker, Daniel Müllensiefen (ed.): Media - Music - Human. New media and musicology . Hamburg: von Bockel 1997, ISBN 978-3-928770-95-8 , pp. 61-78.
  2. ^ Rolf Großmann: Soundcultures, Audio Cultures, Auditory Cultures: The discourse on auditory culture and musicology . In: Navigationen Jg. 15 (2015), Heft 2, Siegen: universi 2015, ISSN 1619-1641, pp. 13-30.