Rolf Thiessen

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As a German civil servant, Rolf Thiessen (* 1921 ; † 1970 ) was largely responsible for the ERP special fund in the 1950s and early 1960s , and for some time in 1966 he was State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Treasury and a member of the Board of Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW).


Studies and PhD

After attending school, Thiessen initially completed a commercial apprenticeship from 1937 to 1939 and then did his military service in the Wehrmacht from 1939 to 1943 , before studying economics at the Georg-August University of Göttingen from 1943 to 1947 and there after completing his studies 1948 to 1950 worked as a research assistant .

He then worked at the office for the ERP special fund and received his doctorate in 1951 from the Georg-August University of Göttingen with a dissertation on the subject of economic equilibrium as an economic policy norm .

Career as a ministerial official and specialist for the ERP special fund

In 1951 he then became an employee in Department III (Interstate Economic Relations) of the Federal Ministry for Affairs of the Marshall Plan and then assistant officer for the implementation of the import programs in Department III 4 there.

After the ministry was renamed the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, he became head of Section III 2 in 1953 and, as such, was responsible for financing programs and matters relating to the ERP special fund. In addition, in 1955 he became head of Section III 1, which was responsible for fundamental and financial issues relating to the ERP special fund and, since 1956, for legal issues relating to the administration of the ERP special fund.

In 1956 he was appointed head of Department III (Administration of the ERP Special Fund) in the Ministry in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, where he continued to head Section III 1. In the course of 1956 he also became head of Divisions III 2 and III 4a and was therefore also responsible for budget management, drawing up and monitoring the ERP business plan, but also for the preliminary processing of bilateral claims and audit matters.

After the restructuring of the ministry and the renewed renaming of the Federal Ministry for Economic Property of the Federal Government, he became head of the subdivision II C there for the ERP special fund in 1958 and at the same time head of the budget, auditing and handling of pre-bilateral claims (Section II C 1) in the Department II, which was not only responsible for the ERP special fund, but also for the federal assets.

Subsequently, Thiessen was head of Section II B / 5 between 1959 and 1961 and was therefore responsible for fundamental issues relating to the ERP special fund, budgetary affairs, auditing matters and the processing of pre-bilateral claims in sub-department II B (federal investments and ERP assets). During the term of office of Hans Wilhelmi as Federal Minister for Economic Property of the Federal Government as Ministerialrat, he was one of the key experts for the ERP Special Fund in Department II, which is responsible for the Federal Assets and the ERP Special Fund.

In 1962, he not only became head of subdivision II C, which was responsible for ERP assets, but also continued to be responsible as Head of Division II C 1, fundamental issues relating to the ERP special fund, budgetary affairs, auditing matters and handling pre-bilateral claims in the then renamed Federal Ministry of Treasury.

Senate director in Berlin, promotion to state secretary and member of the KfW board

A short time later, in 1962, he moved as Senate Director to the Senator for Economics and Credit for Berlin , where he worked closely with the then Senator Karl Schiller until 1964 . Subsequently, Thiessen was a deputy member of the KfW Executive Board between 1964 and 1966.

In March 1966 he became a permanent state secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Treasury, but only held this position for a few months until November 1966. In early 1967 he returned to the Reconstruction Loan Corporation and remained a member of the board until his death in 1970. In this function he also gave specialist lectures on economic policy issues at the Institute of German Economy in Cologne and the KfW.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DER SPIEGEL: DEVELOPMENT AID: Victims Breakfast (No. 27/1960)