Rolf Torring

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Rolf Torring is the hero of the novel series Rolf Torring's Abenteuer . The authors of the adventure series worked under the collective pseudonym Hans Warren.

Release history

The series was first published between 1930 and 1939 with a total of 445 sequential volumes at the Berlin publishing house for folk literature and art . After the Second World War , the series (content and ideologically adapted to the new era) was repeatedly reissued, initially as a series of books, later also as reprints in book form. The direct pre- and post-war editions achieved high prices on the collector's market at times.

Locations, series mentality

The series mostly takes place in Southeast Asia and India , but often also in Africa and sometimes in China , and in some issues also in Germany. In the old editions (pre-war), the imperialist mentality prevails in the magazines , which even today, in a hidden form, characterizes similar series and is referred to by critics as "racial arrogance".


In 1965, Rolf Torring was also made into a film . As a modern contemporary hero in a white suit, he is embodied in the Rapid film Rolf Torring - The Curse of the Black Ruby, for example in the style of the Kommissar X films by Thomas Alder , with the exotic setting still the secret main role in the film as in the booklets plays.


  • Wolfgang Grasse: Rolf Torring for Sven Hedin. In: The novel booklet collector. Vol. 1998, No. 12, pp. 18-20.
  • Peter Wanjek: Rolf Torring's Adventure. A German adventure booklet series becomes a legend. Edition Corsar, Braunschweig 1981. (The volume also contains reprints of the novel booklets 6, 308 and 55) (= texts on the booklet story 4)
  • Robert Weideli: Bibliography Rolf Torring - 1930 to today. Artus Verlag, Zurich 1997.
  • Robert Weideli: Wolfgang Grasse - The Torring from Tasmania. In: The novel booklet collector. Vol. 2002, No. 25, pp. 4-15.
  • Wolfgang Hartkopf: Rolf Torring's adventure and Jörn Farrow's submarine adventure: Thoughts and interpretations of two adventure series. 1st edition. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8391-2222-8 .

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. a b Trivialitas - Forum for Popular Culture: Rolf Torring's Adventure - Introduction
  2. ^ The internet Movie Database