Roman Graczyk

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Roman Graczyk (born May 27, 1958 in Krakow , Poland ) is a Polish journalist and author.


Graczyk studied journalism and politics at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In the 1980s he worked for the magazines Aplauz and Bez Dekretu and the magazine Kontakt published in Paris . From 1984 to 1991 he was a journalist for the liberal-Catholic weekly Tygodnik Powszechny .

From the beginning of the 1990s, Graczyk researched various topics relating to the history of the People's Republic of Poland and published various books on the relationship between the country's church and the party, the democracy movement and the Polish secret service Służba Bezpieczeństwa (SB) during the communist dictatorship and the time of reunification .

His book Cena przetrwania? (Price of Survival?) Looked at the story of Tygodnik Powszechny using remaining intelligence files and the magazine's archive, and recorded the lives of various members of the editorial board in the 1980s and 1990s.

Book publications

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