Ron Loewinsohn

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Ron Loewinsohn (* 15. December 1937 in the Philippines ; † 14. October 2014 ) was a US -American writer and literary scholar.


In the 1950s, Ron Loewinsohn belonged to the circle of beat poets in San Francisco .

He graduated from Berkeley in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts (BA). He then received his Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) doctorate at Harvard in 1971 with a dissertation on William Carlos Williams .

From 1970 to 2005 he was a faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley .


  • Watermelons. Totem Press, New York 1959.
  • The World Of The Lie. Change Press, San Francisco 1963.
  • L'autre. Black Sparrow Press, Los Angeles 1967.
  • The Step. Black Sparrow Press, Los Angeles 1968.
  • Meat Air: Poems 1957-1969 Harcourt Brace, New York 1970.
  • Goat Dances. Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara 1976.
  • Magnetic Field (s). Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1983.

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