Rothenburg contributions

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The Rothenburg Contributions are the three series of publications from the University of the Saxon Police (FH) in Rothenburg / Oberlausitz .

Self-published and fonts

The Saxon Police University (FH) in Rothenburg / Upper Lusatia publishes its own publications on police science. On behalf of the Rector, there is an editorial board that includes the following people: Laura Linczmajer, Dirk Mathias Dalberg, Eberhard Kühne, Karlhans Liebl, Frank Lohse, Dieter Müller, Marschel Schöne, Henning Schwier, Anton Sterbling , Tom Thieme, Leif Woidtke.

The scientific public, the practitioners in the police force and the students at the University of the Saxon Police (FH) Rothenburg have different information needs, which should be met with differentiated publications. That is why three series of publications were created step by step that address these different target groups directly. Sales and pricing also follow this principle.

The "Rothenburg Contributions - Police Scientific Series" for distribution through bookstores and to present the FHPol SN to the outside world, 200 copies each. This series of publications is sent to more than 80 teaching and research institutions of the federal and state police organizations and libraries. Authors from partner universities also publish in this series. The topics deal with issues of sociology , of criminology , the forensics , the management and use of teaching , the phenomena of panic and Amok , the fight against economic crime and cyber crime , information processing, drugs, psychological tests, driving ability and accidents and many others. The phrasebook on standard situations for police officers and travelers in traffic accidents and criminal offenses in German, English, Polish, Czech, Russian and French met with particular interest. Publications on specialist conferences of the university are also the focus of this series.

The “Rothenburger Praxishefte” as a series for practitioners in the Saxon police for free distribution in the departments, 200 copies each. This means that new knowledge can be transported quickly and easily from the FHPol SN to the Saxon police.

The “Rothenburg Study Texts” provide current teaching content for the students of the FHPol SN. This series includes teaching materials that are published under the responsibility of departments or individual lecturers for their courses.

With this differentiation of the publications into three series, on the one hand a greater acceptance of these publications should be achieved by their respective target groups and on the other hand the potential for publications should be better developed. In particular, diploma theses and the results of student project work should be made available to the respective target group in this way.

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