Rotraud Tönnies

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Rotraud Tönnies (born May 5, 1933 in Olvenstedt ; † November 4, 2017 ) was a German homeland researcher and veterinarian.


She grew up in her native Olvenstedt and went to school there. In 1951 she passed her A-levels at the Berthold Otto School in nearby Magdeburg . She then studied veterinary medicine at the University of Leipzig from 1952 to 1959 . Tönnies received his doctorate and until 1990 did research at the Institute for Meat Industry in Magdeburg. This was followed by a job as a veterinarian.

She was a member of the Olvenstedt municipal council for 25 years and was dedicated to researching the local history of Olvenstedt, which was incorporated into Magdeburg in 1979. She edited a chronicle of the place and published on the topic. In addition, she devoted herself to maintaining the local dialect. An important topic of their work was the preservation of the Olvenstedter Sankt-Laurentius-Kirche and the preservation of listed buildings.

Tönnies was a member of the board of the Olvenstedt Citizens' Initiative and the Scheunenverein Kulturscheune eV and was involved in setting up the Lebensmitte (l) district meeting in Olvenstedt. She also campaigned for a new community center for the place.


On May 9, 2003, she was allowed to enter herself in the Golden Book of the city of Magdeburg in recognition of her services . In addition, she received the Prime Minister's Badge of Honor in silver for her work at the 2001 Ottonen exhibition .


  • The production of canned ham and shoulders for export , taking into account the gelatin selection and the implementation of an export test , Leipzig, 1968
  • The production of export canned ham and shoulders , Magdeburg, 1971
  • Olvenstedt in old views , European Library Zaltbommel Netherlands 2003, ISBN 90 288 6716 3

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice in the Magdeburger Volksstimme from November 8, 2017