Ruby and Gold Chicken

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Ruby and Gold Chicken
Ruby-gold Grouse (Regulus calendula)

Ruby-gold Grouse ( Regulus calendula )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
without rank: Passerida
Family : Regulidae
Genre : Golden cockerel ( regulus )
Type : Ruby and Gold Chicken
Scientific name
Regulus calendula
( Linnaeus , 1766)

The Ruby Grouse ( Regulus calendula ) is a small American songbird.


The bird is olive-gray on the top and lighter on the underside. It has white wing bands and a broken white eye ring. The red spot on the male's head is usually only seen when he is aroused. The black beak is thin and the tail short.


The ruby ​​chick breeds in the coniferous forests of Alaska , Canada , New England, and the western United States . Up to twelve eggs are laid in a well-hidden nest hanging on a branch. The bird spends the cold season in the southern USA and Mexico . In the west some populations are resident birds .

The ruby-gold cockerel looks for small insects and spiders in trees and undergrowth . Berries and tree sap complete the diet.

Web links

Commons : Ruby-gold Grouse ( Regulus calendula )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files