Rudi Thiel

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Rudolf "Rudi" Thiel (born April 4, 1928 in Berlin ) is a German former sports organizer.


As an architect, Thiel was government director in the building administration of the Berlin Senate. Among other things, he was the responsible site manager for the Neue Nationalgalerie . On March 1, 1943 he became a member of TSV Schöneberg, which later became part of OSC Berlin . As an active athlete (middle-distance runner) and handball player, he belonged to the OSC Berlin, whose athletics chairman he remained for over four decades. At the ISTAF he was part of the staff from 1950, from 1952 he was a driver and supervisor and from 1968 to 2000 as sports director for over 32 years he made the international sports festival flourish and closed it as Mister ISTAF of the series of international meetings of the IAAF , then the IAAF Golden League . By merging the major German athletics events into the German Meetings , which he organized, he kept them competitive by sharing experiences. After retiring from the operational business of the ISTAF, he was elected honorary president. In 1987 he was awarded the Order of Merit of the State of Berlin and the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon for his services to Berlin .

Individual evidence

  1. auf. 1st February 2018
  2. a b A life for sport: ISTAF maker Rudi Thiel is 90 . In: Landessportbund Berlin (Hrsg.): Sport in Berlin: Monthly magazine of the Landessportbund Berlin . May 2018, p. 31 .
  3. on . 1st February 2018
  4. . 1st February 2018