Rudolf Kammerl

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Rudolf Kammerl (* 1971 ) is a German educator .


After completing his university entrance qualification in 1990 at the St. Michaels High School in Metten , he studied educational science with minor subjects at the University of Regensburg from 1991 to 1994 (graduation diploma). He received his doctorate in 1998 from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Passau . In 2004 he completed his habilitation in “General Pedagogy” with his habilitation thesis “Internet-based Communication and Identity Construction”. From 2008 to 2016 he taught as a professor for educational science with special emphasis on media education at the University of Hamburg . Since 2016 he has held the chair for pedagogy with a focus on media pedagogy and head of the Institute for Learning Innovation at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg .

His main research interests are studies of socialization and educational processes in the context of a profoundly mediatized society.

Fonts (selection)

  • Responsibility and pedagogy. A critical analysis of the production of responsibility between rationality, affectivity and language pragmatics . Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-933342-10-4 .
  • as editor: Computer-assisted learning . Munich 2000, ISBN 3-486-25400-6 .
  • Internet-based communication and identity construction. Self-portrayals and rule orientations of 14 to 16 year old adolescents . Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-8300-1988-2 .
  • as editor with Alexander Unger, Petra Grell and Theo Hug : Discursive and productive practices in digital culture . Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 3-658-06461-7 .

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