Rudolf Lukeš

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Rudolf Lukeš (born April 13, 1897 in Kralupy nad Vltavou , † October 17, 1960 in Prague ) was a Czech chemical engineer, lecturer at the Czechoslovak Technical University and long-time assistant to Professor Emil Votoček .


Rudolf Lukeš, son of a village trader, attended secondary school in Prague-Karlín. His favorite subject was chemistry and he expanded his knowledge as an autodidact in his own laboratory. During the First World War he had to move to the front in Italy and was only able to do his doctorate in 1923 with Emil Votoček , where he then worked as an assistant. In 1933 he was appointed lecturer at the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague . For one semester he also worked on the semester of Nobel Prize winner Leopold Ružička in Zurich . In 1937 there was another appointment as a member of the Royal Czech Association of Teaching. After the retirement of his professor, he held lectures in organic chemistry until 1939, when the university was closed by the German occupiers. During the occupation he worked in the Chemical and Mining Industry Association in Prague-Vysočany . After the war he took a position as head of the Institute for General and Inorganic Chemistry. In 1946 he was appointed full professor and in 1952 a member of the academy.


Lukeš made a name for himself above all as a pedagogue and author of theoretical and experimental work in the field of heterocyclic compounds. He is also considered one of the leading scientists and founders of Czechoslovak organic chemistry. During the Second World War he wrote a textbook on organic chemistry that was published after the war. In 1952 he was appointed a member of the Academy of Sciences . His students included Professor Vladimír Bažant and Vladimir Prelog , a Yugoslav-Swiss chemist who received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1975.

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Individual evidence

  1. Life data, publications and academic family tree of Rudolf Lukeš at, accessed on January 1, 2019.