Rudolf Schomerus

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Rudolf Schomerus (* 1933 ; † 2007 ) was a German lawyer and Ministerialrat in the Federal Ministry of the Interior . Together with Peter Gola , he wrote the standard commentary on the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

life and work

After graduating from high school, Rudolf Schomerus studied law in Freiburg i. B. , Hamburg and at the FU Berlin . In 1960 he passed the first state examination in law and in 1965 the second state examination in law.

The legal traineeship was interrupted by working on his dissertation The Constitutional Development of the Lutheran Church in North America from 1638 to 1792 . With this he became 1965 in Goettingen to the Dr. jur. PhD.


Individual evidence

  1. Author Post on
  2. Gola / Schomerus, BDSG Federal Data Protection Act, comment on
  3. Gola, Peter \\ Schomerus, Rudolf - BDSG on