Russian schnapps

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Russian schnapps or 1000 schnapps is a sub-variant of the well-known schnapps . It is mainly played in Eastern Austria and is often called "Ruasseln". It is a very uncomplicated game and therefore very easy to learn for people who already know schnapps or farmers schnapps . It is therefore advisable to learn the general rules of schnapps beforehand.


Russian Schnapsen is played with a package of (mostly) double German playing cards of 24 sheets . It is exclusively a game for 3 players and thus a welcome alternative for rounds in which the fourth is missing for the Bauernschnapsen. If you still want four Russian schnapps, the dealer pauses every time.

Playing cards

There are also the usual 4 colors of hearts (also red), bells (diamonds), green (also leaves, leaves, spades) and acorns (also crosses, clubs), which are also ranked from top to bottom with regard to the possible announcers . In the individual colors there are ace (11 points), tens (10 points), king (4 points), upper / queen (3 points), under / jack (2 points) and nines (0 points). This order also applies to the stitch force within the color.


The king and upper of each suit together form an announcer (e.g. bells king and bells upper). Depending on the color, they are worth different rewards:

  • Heart: 100 points
  • Bells: 80 points
  • Green: 60 points
  • Acorn: 40 points

The announcement is played in the same way as with conventional schnapps. The king and waiter are shown to the other players during the lead, the value of the announcement is stated aloud by the lead and one of the two cards is played. The bonus only applies if you have at least one trick. If you do not have a stub, the premium is also forfeited.

Trump suit

A specialty of the Russian schnapps is the trump suit, which can change within a game. There is no trump suit at the beginning. A suit only becomes trump when its announcement has been made. If another announcement is made in the same game, the trump suit changes.


Two tricks have already been played. Until then there was no trump card! The player announces " 80 " and plays the waiter of the announcement. From this point on, Schelle is the trump card ! Another 2 tricks later, the same or another player announces " 40 " and from this lead, acorn is now trump suit.

This possible trump change or a game without a trump, because no announcements are possible or existing announcements are "torn up", make this card game very interesting and varied.


The dealer deals the cards clockwise. First 3 to each player, then 3 cards face down in the middle of the table as a talon , then 2 cards to each player and finally another 2 cards to each player.

3 - talon - 2 - 2

Each player now holds 7 cards with which they go into the auction.

The demand on a throwing together the divided cards and by a second division by the donor is allowed in two cases:

- a player has 3 nines in his hand - a player has all 4 jacks in his hand.


The forehand (player to the left of the dealer) always starts the bidding with 90. This means that the forehand must reach at least 90 points . The other players can now outbid this bid in steps of 10. This continues until two players pass one after the other.


player Forehand (A) B. Encoder (C)
1 round: 90 passport 100
2nd round: 110 passport 120
3rd round: 140 passport 150
4th round: passport passport (Play sensor)

Player C won the auction with 150, is now the game taker and will play against players A and B alone. It is mandatory to achieve at least 150 points. If he misses this goal, he has lost the game. As the example also shows, it is possible to take bigger steps in the bidding process. Player A wanted to "seize" the game with the announcement 140 (could also have said 130). Player C seems to have a better hand.

It is not possible to improve your announcement after recording the talon, although this rule is ignored by some rounds. At the beginning of the game the players have to agree on a variant.

Game implementation

Talon pickup

After the game taker has been determined during the auction, he picks up the talon, improves his hand and places 2 unusable cards face down on the table. The opponents each take one of the two cards that the game taker has just placed in their own hand. So each player now has 8 cards . After that, the game pickup always begins to play. In general, there is always a compulsory color, compulsory trick and compulsory trump cards.

Color compulsion

The color played must be used. If you don't have this color, you have to trump. If you don't have a trump either, a foreign color may be added.

Prick compulsion

It must be engraved in the alluded color, if possible. This also applies if the suit that was played has already been trumped and you no longer have the suit yourself, then trumps must be picked if this is possible.

Trump compulsion

Trumps must be trumped if the suit played is no longer available in one's own hand. If you don't have a trump card either, a foreign color can be added.


After all 8 tricks have been played, each side counts the points they have accumulated in the tricks. The result is always commercially (from 5 it is rounded up) to a full 10 points .


Player C announced 150 in the example above. He scored 84 points and announced the "60". The 84 are rounded down to 80 points. So he lost his announcement 150, because 80 + 60 is only 140. If player C had only made one point more, i.e. 85 points in his tricks, it would be rounded up to 90 points and he would have, together with the bonus (90 + 60 ) reached the promised 150 points.

If the goal of the game is not achieved, the promised announcement from the auction will be deducted from the loser (it is also possible for a player to write negatively). The points from the tricks of the opponents are credited to them (each player only his own tricks).

If the announcement is reached, only the announced value is credited. The points that you have achieved beyond that expire. The opponents again credit their own points from their tricks. When you write it down, you can only get values ​​that are divisible by 10.

The overall game is logically won by the player who has achieved the most points or who, for example, was the first to achieve 1000 points (most common agreement).


  • Some game rounds also allow increasing (improving) the announcement after picking up the talon.
  • A bonus of 50 points is awarded for reaching all tricks.
  • There is also the possibility of introducing an additional announcement during the bidding "without coupon". That means every announcement in the bidding with the addition "without" outbids every announcement of the same amount: "140 without" is higher than "140". In this case, all players in turn, starting with the game taker, simply take a card from the talon. If successful, this addition is awarded 20 points for the game taker. Otherwise penalized with 20 points.

Variant with 36 sheets

  • It is played with a package of 36 cards.
  • The order regarding the power of stitches within the colors has been rearranged a bit and all cards now have a point value:
French sheet German sheet
map symbol map symbol eyes
Ass A. Daus / ace (without a 11
Tens 10 Tens 10 10
Nines 9 Nines 9 9
Eighth 8th Eighth 8th 8th
Sevens 7th Sevens 7th 7th
Six 6th Six 6th 6th
king K king K 4th
lady D. Upper O 3
Jack B. Under U 2

This makes it more difficult to decide whether to tear up an announcer or to give more points if the opponent hits with the ace of the same suit.

  • The cards are divided according to the following scheme: 3 - Talon: 3 - 3 - Talon: 3 - 2 - 2
  • The game taker takes the whole talon and places 4 cards for the opponents.
  • There are therefore 240 points to be achieved in the tricks.
  • The announcers are no longer as important as in the normal variant, as more and higher counting cards give you the opportunity to collect points.
  • It's a little easier to get back down.
  • However, the risk that the opponent will win a run of tricks is also far greater.
  • The auction is easier because you can always bid something at the beginning.
  • It is more difficult to find out whether you have a suitable hand to be able to bid at all.
  • It's much more interesting to play with all 36 cards.

See also

Web links

Wikibooks: Russian schnapps  - learning and teaching materials