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The card game Bauernschnapsen (also Viererschnapsen ) is an extended form of schnapps in which four players take part. This form of traditional schnapps is particularly widespread in Austria.

General rules

Bauernschnapsen is played with a pack of 20-sheet schnapps cards. Two players at a time form a team, the members of a team sit opposite. Team membership can be drawn. Neither player is allowed to find out what cards the other players have in hand, nor can they let them know which cards he owns.

The goal is to reach 24 points and the game ends once a team has reached 24 points. In a regional variant, the team counts down from 24 to zero points and the team that reaches zero points first wins.

The losing team receives a "Bummerl". If the losing team has zero points, it receives a “tailor” who counts two bummerl. If a team leads 23: 0 and loses, it receives a “return cutter” (or “shoemaker”, “Rücker”) who counts four bummerl.

In principle, the first trick of each team must be visible to all players for the entire duration of the game, regardless of which game is being played.

Playing cards

French leaf colors
Cross (meeting point) Spades heart Diamonds
SuitClubs.svg SuitSpades.svg SuitHearts.svg SuitDiamonds.svg
Colors of the German paper
Acorn Green (leaf) Red (heart) Ring
Bay acorn.svg Bay leaves.svg Bay Herz.svg Bay schellen.svg

The same cards are used as with other types of schnapps. There are four colors : In French playing cards they are denominated cross (often meeting called), spades , hearts and diamonds . In the double German variant, one speaks of acorn , green (often also called foliage , leaf , grass or shovel ), red (often also called heart ) and bells .

french leaf German sheet
map map eyes
Ass Daus 11
Tens Tens 10
king king 4th
lady Upper 3
Jack Under 2

In every color there are five cards that own count ( eyes have) the ace (regional Daus ), the tens , the king , the queen (or the upper , regional Manderl ) and the boys (or sub- regional farmer ).

Beginning and end

The "dealer" shuffles the deck of cards, the player to the right of the dealer takes at least one time from the shuffled deck of cards or knocks on the deck.

Then each player receives three cards in clockwise order, starting from the player to the left of the dealer, the “caller”. The caller must determine the trump suit (regional atout suit ) from his first three cards before he picks up the remaining two cards. Then everyone receives two cards in the same order. If the caller cannot or does not want to decide which color should be trump, he can reveal one of the two remaining cards for all to see; the suit of this card is the trump suit.

If the player to the right of the dealer has tapped on the pile of cards, each player immediately receives all five cards in the same order as when they withdrew. The caller first receives three to determine the trump suit and then immediately receives his two more.

The trump suit trumps all other suits in most games. If the first three cards that the caller receives are three under (regional jacks or pawns ), he may demand that the game be shuffled and dealt.

After the caller has called the trump, the one who announced the highest game may play the same. In the case of a regional variant, the caller must first decide whether to announce a game or simply “go on” and only then has the next player clockwise to announce a game or go on.

In some games that can be announced, the trump suit just called is invalid and all suits are equivalent to one another. Within a suit, the one higher card wins the lower one; cards of other suits can only be won with the trump suit. If the player z. For example, if spades have led to under, a king or an ace of another suit cannot triumph, but can only be "added" - with the exception of the trump suit if trump is valid.

At the end of each game, the caller becomes the dealer; he shuffles, lets the person sitting on his right take off or knock and deals the cards as described above.

Which special games are permitted varies from region to region. The Schnapser, the Gang (the "Gangl") and the Bauernschnapser ("Bauer") are particularly common. The “beggar” special games in particular are very controversial among conservative players, as they make “normal” games the exception rather than the rule.

Points overview

game Points
Normal game 1 if the opposing team has achieved at least 33 points
2, if the opposing team has less than 33 points
3 if the opponent has not won a trick
Beggar (regional fencer ) 4th
Assenbegler (regional Zehnerloch ) 5
Ace beggar (regional ace fencer ) 5
Schnapser (regional three-stitch ) 6th
Chatterbox 7th
Gang (regional Gangl , Land or Ring ) 9
Zehnergang (regional Zehnerloch , Zehnerhittn or Zehnerland ) 10
Farmer's hole 12
Bauernschnapser 12
Contrastnapser (regional contra-three-stitch ) 12
Farbenringerl (regional Farbringerl , colors Yodeller or Herrenringerl ) 18th
Contrabauer Schnapser 24
Trumpfringerl (regional men’s schnapps , men’s yodelling or trump color rings ) 24
Syringes (regional spots or shooting ) injected: dots × 2
splashed back: dots × 4
sprayed back again: points × 8
Round heart Points × 2

Single games

Normal game

If no game has been announced, a normal game (also called the caller ) is played, with the caller playing the first card. The aim is to reach 66 points together with your partner or to win the last trick. If the losing team does not have a trick, the winning team receives three points. If the losing team has less than 33 points, the winning team receives two points. If the losing team has achieved 33 or more points, the winning team receives one point.

With Bauernschnapsen there is a compulsory color and stitching like with Zweierschnapsen after using up the talon or after turning it off:

  1. If a player has a higher card of the same suit, he has to stab. Is this not possible,
  2. he must admit a lower card of the same suit. Is this not possible,
  3. he has to trump with trump. Is this not possible,
  4. he must discard any card.

The player who took one trick must play the next card if his team did not win the game by taking the trick.

If a player on the move has a king and a queen (regional mandl ) of the same color, he may announce a “twenty”, which scores as many points. In the case of the king and queen / queen of the trump suit, he may announce a "forty" which is worth 40 points. One of the two cards must be played, usually the player chooses the queen. They have to sting when they can. If the team does not have a trick in the entire game, twenties and forties do not count. If the team has at least one trick, twenties and forties count, even if the twenties or forties were won by the other team.

Beggar (or fencer)

The aim of the beggar (regional fencer ) is not to make a stitch, whereby all colors are equivalent. As with all games, there is a compulsory color and sting, so everyone who can sting has to do it.

In a regional variant, the partner of the player who announced the beggar is not allowed to play and has to pause.

The winning team receives four points.

Schnapser (or three-stitch)

This game can only be announced by the caller and he must play the first card. If someone tricks one of their played cards, the team loses. If your fellow player stabs a card from the caller, the game is also lost.

There are two ways to win the game:

  1. The caller must reach 66 points with the first three tricks.
  2. The caller must take exactly one trick and then announce a forty, achieving 66 points.
  3. The caller must take exactly two tricks and then announce a twenty, achieving 66 points.

The caller does not have to decide on one of these options before starting the schnapps, but rather says: "I'll play a schnapps".

There is rarely a regional variant in which the partner is allowed to sting ("Schnapser mit Mann").

The winning team receives six points.

Gangl (or ring, land)

Each player can announce a course (regional Gangl , Durchmarsch , Land , Ringerl , Ring or Neuner ). All colors are equal, the goal is to get all the stitches. Whoever announces the game plays the first card. A trick by the partner leads to loss of game.

The winning team receives nine points.


As with gait, the goal is to get all the tricks. In contrast to the gear, the trump suit announced by the caller counts, so it is difficult for a player other than the caller to make this announcement.

The winning team receives twelve points.

Contrastnapser (or Contra-Drei-Stitch)

The counter snap can be played by an opponent of the caller. The trump suit called by the caller counts, the caller leads and the announcer must win the game.

There are two ways to win the game:

  1. The announcer must reach 66 points with the first three tricks.
  2. The announcer must take exactly one trick and then announce a forty, scoring 66 points.
  3. The announcer must take exactly two tricks and then announce a twenty, scoring 66 points.

The winning team receives twelve points.

In a regional variant, the play partner of the caller can announce a "Schnapser together", which scores six points.

Colored ring (or colored yodel, men's ring)

This game is also called Herrengangl or Color Solo. If you have all five cards of a suit, you can announce a color ring. Atout does not apply. Here you get 18 points. Since this game has already been won (or lost) by announcement, precisely because it is impossible for the other side to sting with 5 cards of the same suit, it is common here that the game is declared won by discarding the cards. Since this special game, as explained, cannot be played, many game communities for Bauernschnapsen (4 people) do not even include this special game in their "game catalog".

Contrabauer Schnapser

The Kontrabauernschnapser is similar to the Bauernschnapser: The aim is to take all the tricks, whereby the trump suit called by the caller counts. The caller plays the first card and the announcer must take all the tricks.

The winning team receives 24 points, so the game is ended by a double-pawn schnapps.

Herrenschnapser (or Herrenjodler, Trumpffarbenringerl)

If the caller holds all cards of the atout suit, he can announce a gentleman schnapps. This game is worth 24 points. Similar to the color ring, this special game cannot be played. That is why many game communities for Bauernschnapsen (4 people) do not even include this special game in their "game catalog".

Stains (or splash, shooting)

If the opposing team believes that the announcer will lose the game, they can splash (regionally also stain , shoot or counter ). The game is then worth double the number of points. With the announcement "Retour" or "Kontra" or "Zruckgspritzt" the player (or his partner) can double up again if he is still sure to win the game. This can also be answered again (usually with the announcement “Re” or “nuamoi zruckgspritzt”), then the victory would already bring eight times the actual number of points - but this does not happen very often anymore. Any game can be "spotted", both normal games and special games.

If the leading team were to write to zero with the hot game, the opposing team would often “splash”, regardless of the quality of their own hand. Since the doubling in the event of a loss does not make a difference for the splashing team, it can get closer to the opponent in the lucky event of victory.

Regional special games

Assenbegler (Zehnerloch)

As with the beggar, the goal of the aces beggar (regional Zehnerloch ) is not to take a stitch, whereby all colors are equivalent. As with all games, there is a compulsory color and sting, so everyone who can sting has to do it.

The ace becomes the lowest card, so the order is: tens, king, over, under, ace.

The winning team receives five points.

Ace beggar (or ace fencer)

As with the beggar and the ace beggar, the goal of the ace beggar (regional ace fencer ) is not to take a trick, whereby all colors are equivalent. As with all games, there is a compulsory color and sting, so everyone who can sting has to do it.

The player calling the ace beggar must have at least one ace in his hand, which makes it more difficult for him not to take a trick.

The team that wins the Ace Beggar receives five points.


There is no special game in Bauernschnapsen that is played as differently from game round to game round / from region to region as the chatterbox.

(a) As the beggar / fencer, whereby the opposing players may play together before the first lead (each may look at the cards). If the player fails to take a single trick, the team that belongs to it receives 7 points.

(b) As the beggar / fencer, with the opposing players laying the cards face up in front of them after the first trick and the game continuing without the players communicating with one another.

(c) Like the beggar / fencer, with the player who announced the first trick laying the cards face up in front of him, but the opposing players keep their cards hidden and the game continues without the players communicating.

Zehnergang (or Zehnerloch, Zehnerhittn, Zehnerland)

As with gait, the goal is to take all of the stitches, with all colors being equal. The ace is the lowest card, so the order of the value is: tens, king, upper, lower, ace. The tens is not played by all players and is therefore one of the regional specialties of peasant schnapps. Therefore, it should be clarified before the start of the game whether it is permissible to announce a number of ten.

There are two regional differences:

  1. If a course (nine points) and a ten course (ten points) are announced, the course is played.
  2. If a course (nine points) and a course of ten (ten points) are announced, the course of ten is played.

The winning team receives ten points.

Farmer's hole

The farmer's hole is a mixed variant of the farmer's schnapps and the Zehnergang (or Zehnerloch, Zehnerhitten, Zehnerland). As with a Zehnergang, the goal is to get all the tricks, but the exception that makes the trump invalid does not come into force. As with a farmer's schnapps, the trump cards also keep their elevated position. The resulting increased difficulty is reflected in the points. A pawn hole can only be played by the person whose turn it was to determine the trump suit this round. He has to take all the tricks and can then write 12 points.

Round heart

A round of hearts is played automatically as soon as hearts have been chosen as the trump suit. As with the splash, the points are doubled and you can still announce all other special games.

Talon Schnapsen (3 players)

Talonschnapsen is also called Dreierschnapsen. The basic rules are the same as for Bauernschnapsen. However, there are only three players and therefore no teams play against each other, but everyone against everyone. Each player holds 6 instead of 5 cards in hand, the two surplus cards form the talon .

The dealer deals 3 cards to each, the forehand, i.e. H. the player sitting to the left of the dealer calls the atout, then 2 cards are put down as a talon, then everyone receives 3 cards again.

A game is announced as with normal Bauernschnapsen, starting with the caller of the atout. The one who called the highest game can now pick up the talon and must then discard two cards again. If nobody announces a game, a normal game is played as described above, in which case the caller may look at the talon and, if he wants, exchange the cards in the talon for two of his cards. The cards that are put away remain face down on the table.

There are two rules to the possibility of increasing the originally popular game, which are handled differently from region to region. U. should clarify before the start of the game, namely first: The caller (who was the first to announce a game) can raise the talon again before picking up the talon if one of his fellow players has called a higher game than his. Example: Rufer (player A) announces a schnapps, B continues, but C calls a corridor that is higher. A hopes that there are the “right” cards in the talon - and now increases to a farmer's schnapps. The other rule, which is not generally applicable, relates to raising after picking up the talon: One of the players has "prevailed" with his game, looks at the talon and thus receives a hand that enables him to play a higher game , so he now announces this game (before playing the first card, of course!). In this case, if a normal game is being played, the caller could announce another game.

If the talon is not needed, you can play without talon cards. If two players call a game, then the one who can play without the talon cards has priority.

Whoever plays his bid must now win his game against the other two.

Points: If the player manages his popular game, he gets the points credited alone, if the player fails, each of the other two gets the points credited. The game also ends here on 24 points. The one who has the fewest points of the three always has a “bummerl” or “tailor”; if two players have the same number of points, both players have a “bummerl” or “tailor”. Regional variant: Every player who does not reach the 24 points has a "Bummerl" - this can even happen if you have won a game with your partner. Stains are also possible with Talonschnapsen: A "stain", "splash" or "shoot" can no longer be taken back, it was once said. This can be said until the first card has been played, regardless of whether the talon has been viewed or not!

In a normal game, the caller must have at least 66 points; the cards in the talon are not added to the tricks he has scored.

With the exception of the schnapps and color ring, the games called do not differ from those of the 4 or peasant schnapps. The schnapps in the Talonschnapsen consists of 4 tricks to get the 12 cards that can also be reached with the Bauernschnapsen. In contra games, the player who calls the figure receives the talon, the player who calls the atout plays and plays with the third player against the figure. In the suit ring the player has all 5 cards of a certain suit and must take all 6 tricks.


  • Hugo Kastner, Gerald Kador Folkvord: The great Humboldt encyclopedia of card games. Humboldt, Baden-Baden 2005, ISBN 3-89994-058-X

Web links

Commons : Card games  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Schnapsen  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hans-Joachim Alscher: Bauernschnapsen. Rules of card games: Bauernschnapsen. In: John McLeod, October 8, 2012, p. 7 , accessed November 8, 2017 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k Schnapsen - Bauernschnapsen - rules of the game. Card game rules Bauernschnapsen. (No longer available online.), 2017, p. 11 , archived from the original on May 11, 2017 ; accessed on November 7, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /