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Rwamaganas Parish Church
Basic data
State : RwandaRwanda Rwanda
Province : Ostruanda
Area : 87 km²
Residents : 50.081
Time zone : UTC / GMT 2:00

Rwamagana is a city in eastern Rwanda . The city is located about 50 kilometers east of Kigali and is the capital of the Eastern Province . Rwamagana has about 50,000 inhabitants.

Place-name sign

Rwamanga is on the main transit route from Kigali to Tanzania , over which the majority of the goods traffic from Tanzania runs. As part of the last renovation of the road, a bypass road was built around Rwamagana, so that freight and transit traffic no longer runs through the city center.

year Residents
1978 5,683
1991 7,684
2002 47.203

sons and daughters of the town

Individual evidence

  1. Population statistics

Web links

Commons : Rwamagana  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 1 ° 57 ′  S , 30 ° 26 ′  E