Ryu Goto

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Ryu Goto ( Japanese五 嶋 龍, Gotō Ryū ; born July 13, 1988 in New York , (NY) ) is an American violinist of Japanese descent.

Ryu Goto is a half-brother of the violinist Midori (* 1971), who is almost 17 years her senior . He received violin lessons for the first time at the age of three. Among other things, he studied at the Juilliard School . Two CD recordings and a concert recording on DVD have been released so far under the Deutsche Grammophon label, but have not yet been available on the European market.

Ryu Goto used to play Antonio Stradivari 's violin "ex-Pierre Rode" from 1715, also known as the "Duke of Cambridge", on loan from the non-profit organization Yellow Angel . Since December 2013 he has been playing the Stradivarius “Jupiter” from 1722, on loan from the Nippon Music Foundation .

Individual evidence

  1. Midori: Simply Midori. Autobiography. Updated and expanded new edition. (Editing and translation: Susanne Van Volxem.) Henschel Verlag, Leipzig 2012, ISBN 978-3-89487-721-7 , p. 131.
  2. Biography on Ryu Goto official website, archived version from August 2008.
  3. ^ Instruments Nippon Music Foundation, accessed January 11, 2018

Web links