Søren Espersen

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Søren Espersen

Søren Espersen (born July 20, 1953 ) is a Danish politician . He is currently deputy chairman of the right-wing populist Dansk Folkeparti . He has been a member of the Folketing since 2005 .

Childhood and today's life

Søren Espersen, son of Peder Christian Espersen, grew up in Svenstrup. After graduating from high school in 1973, he did his military service in the Danish Navy. He then studied theology at the University of Copenhagen . After attending a journalism school, he worked for Berlingske Tidende and Billed-Bladet . The Dansk Folkeparti appointed him in 1997 as the party's press officer. Espersen was also a member of the board of directors of Danmarks Radio .

He has five children with his wife, who was born in England .

Political positions

German-Danish border

In an interview with a Danish television station he expressed that he would consider a connection between southern Schleswig and Denmark to be desirable, whereby the Danish-German border would be moved to the Eider .


According to Søren Espersen, Islam as a religion "and not just political Islamism " is incompatible with democracy .

Web links

Commons : Søren Espersen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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  3. Ulrich Exner: Danish politician wants to draw a new border with Germany. In: The world . Axel Springer SE, February 23, 2017, accessed on June 19, 2019 .
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