Freshwater parasites of humans

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Freshwater plays as a carrier medium of disease-carrying parasites for the people a big role. The water serves as a transport medium for the pathogens themselves or as a habitat for intermediate hosts . The parasite is usually incorporated through oral ingestion , breaking the skin barrier through a larval form of the parasite, or consuming an intermediate host.

Especially due to a direct supply of drinking water from the waters in combination with the lack of sanitary facilities, the corresponding parasitoses spread. The supply of the world population with hygienically and toxicologically safe water as well as hygienically impeccable wastewater disposal will therefore represent one of the greatest challenges facing mankind in the coming decades ( water crisis ).


The following diseases are associated with parasitically contaminated water or with vectors that rely on freshwater:

illness Pathogens Vector (carrier)
Amoebic dysentery Entamoeba histolytica
Ascaridiasis roundworm
Liver fluke infestation Flukes Snails , fish
Fish tapeworm disease Tapeworms Copepods , fish
Dracunculosis Roundworms
Paragonimiasis Lungworm Snails , crabs
malaria Protozoa Mosquitoes ( anopheles )
Onchocerciasis Onchocerca volvulus Black flies
Schistosomiasis Couple leeches Snails

See also