South Siberian-Pontic-Pannonian flora region

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The South Siberian-Pontic-Pannonian flora region is a flora region - a unit of the floristic structure - in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia , which extends from southern Siberia via the Ukraine , Transylvania , Vojvodina and the Hungarian lowlands to the eastern edge of the Alps in Austria . It is itself a part of the Holarctic . The vegetation is strongly influenced by the continental climate with low rainfall, high summer and low winter temperatures. The area would be naturally forested up to about 50 kilometers east of Bucharest, but secondary steppes were created due to the centuries of grazing by human livestock. The climatically conditioned primary steppes begin to the east of it.

The region consists of three provinces:

Typical South Siberian-Pontic-Pannonian floral elements are the spring adonis and the Siberian bellflower .


  • Manfred A. Fischer , Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Excursion flora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol. 3rd, improved edition. State of Upper Austria, Biology Center of the Upper Austrian State Museums, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 , pp. 120f, 127.
  • Luise Schratt-Ehrendorfer: The flora of the steppes of Lower Austria: flora and vegetation, location diversity and endangerment. In: Heinz Wiesbauer (Ed.): The steppe is alive - rocky steppes and dry grasslands in Lower Austria , St. Pölten 2008, ISBN 3-901542-28-0
  • Manfred A. Fischer: A touch of the Orient - Pannonian vegetation and flora. In: Nature in the Heart of Central Europe , 2002, ISBN 3-852147-76-X