Südstadt (Barmen)

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The Barmer Südstadt is a not exactly defined city district of the formerly independent municipality of Barmen , today part of Wuppertal .

The southern part of the city includes, among other things, the old Barmer district of Heidt , which has been found in the statistical residential district of Heidt in the Heckinghausen district since 1975 , i.e. the urban areas south of the center of Barmen. In the west the area is bounded by the Fischertal and in the east by the neighboring district of Heckinghausen . In the north the area extends as far as the Wupper and in the south deep into the Barmer Forest .

After the city merger in 1929 to form the common city of Wuppertal, the term Barmer "Südstadt" was no longer used, as Elberfeld also had a district called Südstadt , which can be found in the statistical residential district of Südstadt in the Elberfeld district from 1975 onwards .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hans Joachim de Bruyn-Ouboter (ed.): The Barmer Südstadt . Verlag Müller + Busmann, Wuppertal 1994, ISBN 3-928766-09-0 , p. 8 .