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The 76-mm Fla-Sfl SU-6 ( Russian: 76-мм зенитная самоходная установка СУ-6 ) is an anti-aircraft tank developed in the 1930s in what was then the Soviet Union . After building a few prototypes , development was stopped in 1937. There was no series production or introduction to the Red Army .


In the 1920s, the Red Army developed the concept of deep operation . The breakthrough through the enemy defense was then to be made by mobile, mechanized corps with tanks and airplanes. This led to the formation of tank and mechanized infantry units. For the implementation of the concept, however, mobile and protected support weapons were also necessary. Consequently, from the beginning of the 1930s, increased efforts were made in the Soviet Union to create self-propelled guns for anti-aircraft and artillery weapons.

The SU-6 was developed from 1934 in the design office of Plant No. 185. A 76 mm anti-aircraft gun M1931 was combined with the chassis of the T-26 tank . With the cannon originally developed by the German company Rheinmetall , the Red Army had a modern, powerful anti-aircraft cannon produced in large numbers for the first time. The cannon was placed on a base mount on the tank instead of the turret. The operation was protected by folding side walls. For the fire fight the side walls were folded down and supported on support plates. They then formed the platform for operating the cannon. The time for the transition from march to combat situation was 55 to 65 seconds. The chassis of the tank received additional coil springs to compensate for the higher weight of the cannon. A combat set of 48 grenades was carried in or on the vehicle.

The factory trials of the flak tank took place in September and October 1935. On October 13, 1935, testing began on the polygon in Rzhevsk (Ржевский полигон) near Leningrad . The testing was delayed, the final report was only presented on December 27 of the following year. The flak tank was rebuilt several times, the 76-mm cannon was temporarily removed and the chassis was tested with a 37-mm anti-aircraft gun for a period of three months. Between June 25th and September 14th, the vehicle had to be repaired because the engine and transmission were overloaded. A total of 900 km was covered and 416 rounds were fired with the 76 mm cannon. The accuracy of the hit was initially satisfactory, but decreased towards the end of the test and was only unsatisfactory. When firing while moving at a speed of 7 to 10 km / h, the targets set up at a distance of 400 to 550 m could not be hit. Numerous other deficiencies were revealed during the trial. After a distance of 15 to 25 km at a speed of 25 km / h, a break had to be taken because the oil in the engine overheated. Overall, the weight of the vehicle was too high, so that the engine and power transmission were overloaded. In the opinion of the acceptance commission, it was not possible to use it as an escort vehicle for motorized columns under these circumstances. The crew of a total of six soldiers could not be accommodated on the vehicle. The mountings were also inadequate. The recoil of the gun pushed the vehicle backwards by 210 mm after each shot.

According to a decision by the Soviet government on March 13, 1936, Plant No. 185 was to produce a total of ten SU-6s with the 37-mm anti-aircraft gun and another four vehicles with the 76-mm M31 anti-aircraft gun. In January 1937, the plant received the results of state testing, which questioned the practicality of the design. At this point in time four tanks had been completed, ten vehicles were in the final stages of assembly. As a result, the development of the SU-6 was stopped, the factory was paid for the four completed tanks, the remaining ten vehicles were to be used as material reserves according to the factory's specifications .

Technical specifications

76 mm Fla-Sfl SU-6
General properties
classification Flak tanks
Chief designer
Name of the manufacturer 76-мм зенитная самоходная установка СУ-6
Manufacturer Plant No. 185
length 5,070 mm
width 2,700 mm
Weight 10,500 kg
Years of construction 1935-36
number of pieces 1
caliber 76.2 mm
Pipe length 4,191 mm (L / 55)
Height of the line of fire 2,445 mm
Fire dates
Elevation range + 82 °
Side straightening area 360 °
Maximum range 14,000 m
Max. Shot height 9,500 m
Maximum muzzle velocity 820 m / s
Ground clearance 385 mm
Top speed 28 km / h

See also


  • Александр Широкорад : Отечественные полуавтоматические зенитные пушки in Техника и вооружение , edition 07/1998 (Russian)
  • М. Свирин: Самоходки Сталина. История советской САУ 1919-194 , publisher "Яуза" \ "ЭКСМО", 2008 (Russian)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. all information for variant with 76 mm Flak M31 after Schirokorad
  2. 1 tank completed and tested, another 10 not completed, plus four completed, but not tested tanks with 37 mm anti-aircraft guns