SV Roland Belgern

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The SV Roland Belgern is a German multi-discipline sports club in the Belgern district of the northern Saxon city ​​of Belgern-Schildau . It has around 600 members and its football, handball and volleyball departments play regularly. Sports such as table tennis, boxing, bowling and gymnastics are also offered.

Structure development

The club was founded in 1924 by working-class athletes, and its handball department was launched early on. After the end of the Second World War , the association was dissolved in 1945 as part of the association ban in the Soviet occupation zone (SBZ) . The loosely organized sports community (SG) Belgern was founded around 1946 for sports traffic, which was initially only permitted locally. She called herself from 1949 in memory of the former club SG Roland and was mainly known for her soccer team. After the beginning of the late 1940s in the Soviet Zone to convert the sports structure to the basis of company sports associations (BSG) , the former sports association was founded in Belgern at the beginning of the 1950s by the BSG tractor with the local agricultural production cooperative (LPG) as the sponsoring company. With her further sports sections were created. With the changed economic conditions after the political change in 1989/90 , the system of company sports associations could no longer be continued. When the LPG began to dissolve, members of the BSG founded the registered association SV Roland Belgern on May 16, 1990 .

Football career

In 1948/49 the SG Belgern played first division football for one season when they participated in the state class of Saxony-Anhalt . The national class was one of the four highest football classes in the SBZ this season. Belgern was not suitable for the first division and ended up in last place in the southern season at the end of the season and had to relegate. With the expanded name SG Roland, the soccer team played in the district class of Saxony-Anhalt in 1949/50, which was only in third class after the creation of the East Zone League (later GDR Oberliga ). There, too, the playing strength was not enough, and the SG was passed through for further relegation within one season. There followed long years with the BSG tractor at the district level and in 1964 as district champion, the missed promotion to the fourth-class district class. This succeeded as second in the table a year later and then for several seasons the establishment in the district class Leipzig. After the 1970/71 season there was relegation again, followed by the district league existence beyond the end of the GDR football game operation. Opportunities for promotion after the district championship titles in 1973, 1974 and 1977 could not be used. The district championship of SV Roland 1997 was more successful, after which the promotion to the eighth league district class Leipzig succeeded. After two seasons it went back to Kreisliga Torgau / Oschatz. This was followed by an interplay between district and district classes. After another one year stay in the district class in the 2006/07 season, SV Roland Belgern rose again for many years in the district league.


  • DFSF (Ed.): DDR Chronicle - DDR Football 1949–1991 (Volumes 1–3). Berlin 2007/11.

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