Sabine Seume

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Sabine Seume (* in Mülheim an der Ruhr ) is a German dancer , choreographer , ensemble leader and dance teacher. Seume is one of the representatives of Butoh dance in Germany.


After training at the Folkwang University in Essen in classical and modern dance under the direction of Pina Bausch and after several engagements in Germany and Switzerland, she went to Japan to dance in the Butoh company Ariadone by Carlotta Ikeda . The engagement with the dance form Butoh shaped the work of Sabine Seume to a large extent and changed her way of dancing and design fundamentally. By working with artists from other fields, she developed her own style, which, however, goes far beyond classical and modern dance or butoh.


With regard to her search for a topic, Sabine Seume made significant paradigm shifts in the course of her artistic career. Her first pieces were strongly initiated and shaped by mythological patterns and images, but in recent years current, social or political events have increasingly been the trigger for her pieces, for example in Gefallene Engel , a dance piece on the subject of violence that is caused by Motivated and influenced the events of September 11th . In the scenic multimedia revue Nirvana Boulevard with the initiator and composer Martin Hoemberg and the video artist Ludwig Kuckartz , her Butoh ensemble provided the protagonists of the piece. Several of her productions took place in cooperation with tanzhaus NRW .

Nominations and Awards

  • 1994: Prix Mandapa for the best solo
  • 1997: Brams Festival Belgrade, 1st prize for the most experimental piece
  • 1998: Nomination for the Performing Arts Award of the City of Düsseldorf
  • 2000: Selected for Tanzstrasse / Rheinschiene, Onnagata
  • 2003: Selected for Tanzstrasse / Rheinschiene, Fallen Angels
  • 2004: Selected for the 15th national meeting "Youth clubs at theaters" with "That makes me still very crazy"
  • 2009: Audience award at the “25. Children's and youth theater meeting NRW "for" The soul bird "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. AllesWasTanzt - people. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
  2. ^ Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences: Sabine Seume