Sakhalin I.

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Funding fields near Sakhalin

Sakhalin I (English Sakhalin-I ) is a project for the production of oil and natural gas near the island of Sakhalin in the Pacific Ocean in Russia. It is carried out by various oil and gas consortia led by Exxon Neftegas Ltd., an Exxon Mobil subsidiary .

Participating companies

Companies Parent company country proportion of
Exxon Neftegas Ltd. ExxonMobil United States 30%
SODECO (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Development Co. Ltd.) Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Japan National Oil Corp., Itochu , Marubeni Japan 30%
ONGC Videsh Ltd Oil and Natural Gas Corporation India 20%
Sakhalinmorneftegas Shelf Rosneft Russia 11.5%
RN-Astra 08.5%



The project was founded in 2001 with support from the Russian state. Production began in 2005 in the Tschaino (Chayno) field, 2010 in Odoptu and 2015 in Arkutun-Dagi. Oil and gas are transported to the mainland by tankers and a pipeline. In 2011 the world's largest drilling length was achieved in Odoptu with 12,443 meters, in 2014 in Tschaino with a length of over 13,000 meters.

The project has continued since 2014 even after the economic sanctions between Russia and the USA.

environmental issues

Environmental protection organizations such as WWF have repeatedly pointed out the pollution of the environment through production. Environmental protection requirements of the Russian authorities for the transport of raw materials through the feeding and habitat of gray whales are not complied with.

See also

Web links


  1. ^ Consortium Members Exxon Neftegas
  2. "Эксон Нефтегаз Лтд" идет на нарушение природоохранного законодательства (Exxon Neftegas violated environmental legislation) WWF , October 21, 2008 (Russian)
  3. Oil Industry Selling Endangered West Pacific Gray Whales IFAW, July 20, 2016