Sachiko Tsuruta

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Sachiko Tsuruta is an American astrophysicist.


Tsuruta earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Washington in 1956 and her master's degree from Columbia University in 1959 , where she received her PhD in 1964 (Dissertation: Neutron Star Models ). She is a professor at Montana State University .

Even as a doctoral student, Tsuruta predicted the existence of neutron stars in the form of pulsars (1967) before they were discovered. In addition, she made verifiable statements about their thermodynamic behavior (heating and cooling) through observation, which were also confirmed. She models the matter in neutron stars with superfluid condensates of pions and kaons and quarks.

In addition to neutron stars, she also deals with other compact stellar objects such as black holes (including supermassive black holes and the ultra-hot plasma in their environment), white dwarfs, models of active galaxy nuclei (AGN, e.g. quasars ) and their energy sources and problems of the early universe like the first stars, with gravitational waves and gamma-ray flashes.

In 2015 she received the Marcel Grossmann Award in particular for her work on neutron stars. In 2016 she was a visiting researcher at the Kavli IPMU Institute in Tokyo.

Fonts (selection)

  • with AGW Cameron : Cooling and detectability of neutron stars , Can. J. Phys., Vol. 44, 1966, pp. 1863-1894
  • Thermal properties and detectability of neutron stars. I. cooling and heating of neutron stars , Physics Reports, Vol. 56, 1979, pp. 237-277
  • Thermal properties and detectability of neutron stars. II. Thermal evolution of rotation-powered neutron stars , Physics Reports, Volume 292, 1998, pp. 1-130
  • with David Pines , R. Tamagaki (Ed.): The structure and evolution of neutron stars , Basic Books 1992
  • Neutron Star Cooling: the Present and the Future , in: Neutron Stars and Pulsars, Astrophysics and Space Science Libruary Vol. 357, Springer Lecture Series (AIP), 2009, pp. 289-318
  • with J. Sadino, A. Kobelski, M. Teter, A. Liebmann, T. Takatsuka, K. Nomoto, H. Umeda: Thermal Evolution of Hyperon-mixed Neutron Stars , Astrophysical Journal, Volume 691, 2009, p. 621– 632
  • with H. Umeda, N. Yoshida, K. Nomoto, M. Sasaki, T. Ohkubo: Early Black Hole Formation by Accretion of Gas and Dark Mater , Journal of Cosmology and Asgtroparticle Physics, Volume 8, 2009, p. 23
  • with T. Ohkubo, K. Nomoto, H. Umeda, N. Yoshida: Evolution of Very Massive Population III: Stars with Mass Accretion from Pre-Main Sequence to Collapse , Astrophysical Journal, Volume 706, 2009, pp. 1184-1193
  • with JR Plowman, DC Jacobs, RW Hellings, SL Larson: Constraining the Black Hole Mass Spectra with Gravitational Wave Observations I: Error Kernal , Monthly Nortices of Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 401, 2010, pp. 2706-2714
  • Thermal Radiation from Pulsars , in: K. Makishima (Ed.), The Energetic Cosmos: Suzaku to Astro-H, AIP 2010, p. 166
  • with JR Plowman, RW Hellings: Constraining the Black Hole Mass Spectra with Gravitational Wave Observations II: Direct Comparison of Detailed Models , Monthly Nortices of Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 415, 2011, pp. 333–352
  • Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars: Current Status , in: Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics / ASP Conference Series, 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Evelyn Boswell, MSU scientist wins international prize for pioneering work on neutron stars , MSU News, June 3, 2015