Saijō (Han)

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Saijō ( Japanese 西 条 藩 , Saijō-han ) was a Han (fiefdom) in Japan in the Edo period , which existed from 1636 to 1871. It was based in Saijō , Nii-gun , Iyo Province (now Ehime Prefecture ) on Shikoku Island .

The first daimyo was Hitotsuyanagi Naomori in 1636 , who was previously the daimyo of Owari-Kuroda (1590-1601) and Kambe (1601-1636). In 1665 the Hitotsuyanagi family was finally revoked.

In 1670 the Han was given to Matsudaira Yorizumi, a son of the daimyō of Kishū Tokugawa Yorinobu and grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu , and thus a twofold loan ( 支 藩 , shihan ) from Kishū. The second daimyō of this line, Matsudaira Yoriyoshi, followed in 1716 under the name Tokugawa Munenao as the daimyō of Kishū. Likewise, the fifth daimyo was Matsudaira Yoriatsu as Tokugawa Harusada in 1775 daimyo of Kishu.

It was abolished in 1871 with the other Han and transferred to Saijō Prefecture ( 西 条 県 , Saijō-ken ), which, however, went up shortly afterwards in Matsuyama Prefecture .

List of daimyo

  • Hitotsuyanagi ( Tozama daimyo , 68,000 koku → 30,000 koku → 25,000 koku), 1636–1665
Surname Kanji Term of office
1 Hitotsuyanagi Naomori 一 柳 直 盛 1636
2 Hitotsuyanagi Naoshige 一 柳 直 重 1636-1645
3 Hitotsuyanagi Naooki 一 柳 直 興 1645-1665
Surname Kanji Term of office
1 Matsudaira Yorizumi 松 平 頼 純 1670-1711
2 Matsudaira Yoriyoshi 松 平 頼 致 1711-1716
3 Matsudaira Yoritada 松 平 頼 渡 1716-1738
4th Matsudaira Yorisato 松 平 頼 邑 1738-1753
5 Matsudaira Yoriatsu 松 平 頼 淳 1753-1775
6th Matsudaira Yorikata 松 平 頼 謙 1775-1795
7th Matsudaira Yorimi 松 平 頼 看 1795-1797
8th Matsudaira Yoriyuki 松 平 頼 啓 1797-1832
9 Matsudaira Yorisato 松 平 頼 学 1832-1862
10 Matsudaira Yorihide 松 平 頼 英 1862-1871

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