Sainouron mikroteron

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Sainouron mikroteron
without rank: Diaphoreticks
without rank: Sar
without rank: Rhizaria
incertae sedis
Genre : Sainouron
Type : Sainouron mikroteron
Scientific name
Sainouron mikroteron
Sandon , 1924

Sainouron mikroteron is a heterotrophic flagellate from the Rhizaria group . Until the first description of Sainouron acronematica in 2008, it was the only species of the genus Sainouron .


The cell body has a fixed, oval or bean-shaped shape, the front end is usually rounded, the rear end rather narrower. The cell moves across the substrate with characteristic vibrations. But it can also swim freely and then perform sinusoidal movements. The front flagella is usually not visible, the rear flagella is dragged along and does not adhere to the body. Occasionally, amoeboid forms occur. The cell size is usually three to five micrometers, in culture ten to 14 micrometers. Cysts are formed and are spherical, six to eight micrometers in diameter.

supporting documents

  • Alexander P. Mylnikov, Serguei A. Karpov: Review of diversity and taxonomy of cercomonads . Protistology, Vol. 3, 2004, pp. 201-217. ISSN  1680-0826

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Rhodri Lewis, Ema E. Chao, Brian Oatesa, David Bass: Morphology and Phylogeny of Sainouron acronematica sp. n. and the Ultrastructural Unity of Cercozoa . Protist, Volume 159, 2008, pp. 591-620, doi : 10.1016 / j.protis.2008.04.002