Salaam-Shalom Initiative

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Logo of the Salaam-Shalom Initiative. Graphic (c) 2015 Dev Rys

Salaam-Schalom is an intercultural initiative that was founded by Neuköllners in December 2013 . It stands for peaceful coexistence and solidarity in Neukölln, Berlin and beyond, and promotes this with various campaigns and projects that draw attention to social and structural marginalization in society.

History of origin

Monthly brunch of the Salaam-Schalom-Initiative in Neukölln, Berlin.

The Salaam-Schalom initiative was set up by a small Neukölln group of friends of Muslims , Jews and others as a reaction to the public statements by Rabbi Daniel Alter , who called Neukölln a “no-go area” for Jews because of the high proportion of Muslims.


The initiative regularly organizes open roundtables and panel discussions. In addition, in July 2014, at the time of the Gaza conflict, the activists formed a human chain against anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim racism on Alfred-Scholz-Platz in Neukölln . In April 2015 Salaam-Schalom organized a flash mob against the then new mayor of Neukölln, Franziska Giffey . In the eyes of the members of the initiative, Giffey is "not only formally but also ideologically" Heinz Buschkowsky's successor.


Flashmob of the Salaam-Schalom Initiative in July 2014. Photo (c) Ömer Sefa Baysal

Local, national and international media regularly report on the activities of the Salaam Shalom Initiative. The initiative was received by Federal President Joachim Gauck in Bellevue Palace in August 2014 . In October 2014, the Federal President's partner Daniela Schadt visited the group in Neukölln.

Individual evidence

  4. ^ "Salaam-Schalom": A peace initiative from Berlin-Neukölln - German Turkish Journal | DTJ ONLINE . In: German Turkish Journal | DTJ ONLINE . August 1, 2014 ( [accessed September 19, 2017]).
  7. dpa-infocom GmbH: Gauck meets initiative "Salaam-Shalom" in Berlin-Neukölln. In: . July 31, 2014, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  8. district- mit-daniela-schadt-auf-entdeckstour-durch-neukoelln/ 10920336.html